The Aspirations Tour comprises a series of individual BTBA sanctioned youth tournaments spread throughout the season. The YB Tour will run from January 2025 through to December 2025. Each tournament defines its own entry criteria, playing format and any prize allocation.

Bowlers must be under 22 as of the 31st December 2025 and be a BTBA Member.

The YB Tour takes individual game score and total pin fall scratch scores from the qualifying round of each tournament (usually 6 games) and allocates YB Tour ranking points based on the performance of each bowler. At the end of the season those with the highest number of YB Tour ranking points will be eligible to enter the YB Tour Ranking finals and will also be awarded YB Tour medals.

YB Aspirations Tour Calendar
DateEvent nameLocationEntry
(18/19) 25/26 JANUARYSouth of England Open 2025DunstableAge/Hdcp75%/200
1 FEBRUARYU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk1VirtualAge/Hdcp80%/210
08/09 FEBRUARYBowlers Club 25 RD 1MansfieldAvgScratch
22/23 FEBRUARYYorkshire Handicap Singles 2025ShipleyHdcp75%/220
01/02 MARCHNorthern Junior Challenge 2025Ashby (Scunthorpe)AvgScratch
08 MARCHU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk2VirtualAge/Hdcp80%/210
09 MARCHSouthern Junior Challenge 2025DunstableAvgScratch
15/16 MARCHBritish Youth Team Open 2025MansfieldAvgScratch
30 MARCHU13 Regional Singles North 2025ShipleyAge/HDCP80%/210
5/6 APRILStroud Handicap SinglesStroudAvg/HDCP80%/210
27 APRILU22 Doubles & Singles 2025WashingtonAvg/Hdcp80%/220
10 MAYU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk3VirtualAge/Hdcp80%/210
11 MAYU13 Regional Singles South 2025CrawleyAge/HDCP80%/210
18 MAYYB Compass Matchplay Singles 2025 (U16/U19)DunstableAvg/Hdcp80%/210
31/01 MAY/JUNEBowlers Club 25 RD 2MansfieldAvgScratch
14/15 JUNEClassic Singles 2025AltrinchamAvgScratch
21 JUNEU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk4VirtualAge/Hdcp80%/210
12/13 JULYNorth of England Combination Trios 2025Ashby (Scunthorpe)AvgScratch
26/27 JULYBowlers Club 25 RD 3MansfieldAvgScratch
06/07 SEPTEMBERBowlers Club 25 FinalsMansfieldAvgScratch
13/14/20/21 SEPTEMBERBTBA Youth National ChampionshipsDunstableAvg/AgeScratch
04/05 OCTOBERMansfield Doubles (North) 2025MansfieldAvgScratch
05 OCTOBERAirport Doubles (South) 2025AirportAvgScratch
19 OCTOBERU13 Regional Singles Central 2025Acocks GreenAge/HDCP80%/210
19 OCTOBERJune Simmons Memorial 2025WashingtonAge/Hdcp90%/210
08/09 NOVEMBERStroud Accumulator 2025StroudHdcpScratch
22/23 NOVEMBERYouth Bowling Asipirations Tour MastersTBDAge/Hdcp80%/210
YB Aspirations Tour Entry Forms and Squadding

Links are provided here to the tournament website and any squadding information. Please check with the tournament manager for up to date status any of tournament.

DateEvent nameLocationEntry FormSquaddingResultsGame Scores
(18/19) 25/26 JANUARYSouth of England Open 2025DunstableEntry FormSquaddingResultsGame Scores
1 FEBRUARYU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk1VirtualEntry FormSquaddingResultsGame Scores
08/09 FEBRUARYBowlers Club 25 RD 1MansfieldEntry FormSquadding
22/23 FEBRUARYYorkshire Handicap Singles 2025ShipleyEntry FormSquadding
01/02 MARCHNorthern Junior Challenge (U150) 2025Ashby (Scunthorpe)Entry FormSquadding
08 MARCHU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk2VirtualEntry FormSquadding
09 MARCHSouthern Junior Challenge 2025DunstableEntry FormSquadding
15/16 MARCHBritish Youth Team Open 2025MansfieldEntry FormSquadding
30 MARCHU13 Regional Singles North 2025ShipleyEntry FormSquadding
5/6 APRILStroud Handicap SinglesStroudEntry FormSquadding
27 APRILU22 Doubles & Singles 2025Washington
10 MAYU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk3VirtualEntry FormSquadding
11 MAYU13 Regional Singles South 2025CrawleyEntry FormSquadding
18 MAYYB Compass Matchplay (U16/U19) 2025Dunstable
31/01 MAY/JUNEBowlers Club 25 RD 2MansfieldEntry FormSquadding
14/15 JUNEClassic Singles 2025AltrinchamEntry FormSquadding
21 JUNEU10 Challenge Cup 25 Wk4VirtualEntry FormSquadding
12/13 JULYNorth of England Combination Trios 2025Ashby (Scunthorpe)
26/27 JULYBowlers Club 25 RD 3MansfieldEntry FormSquadding
06/07 SEPTEMBERBowlers Club 25 FinalsMansfieldSquadding
13/14/20/21 SEPTEMBERBTBA Youth National ChampionshipsDunstable
04/05 OCTOBERMansfield Doubles (North) 2025Mansfield
05 OCTOBERAirport Doubles (South) 2025Airport
19 OCTOBERU13 Regional Singles Central 2025Acocks GreenEntry FormEntry Form
19 OCTOBERJune Simmons Memorial 2025Washington
08/09 NOVEMBERStroud Accumulator Singles 2025Stroud
22/23 NOVEMBERYouth Bowling Asipirations Tour MastersTBD
YB Aspirations Tour Bowler Ranking Process

At the first Tour tournament entered each bowler will be entered into the tour ranking division based on their age as of December 31st, 2025.

There are separate Female and Male divisions, grouped as U22, U19, U16, U13 and U10

U10 mixed age groups to remain at certain tournaments. Ie, U10 Challenge and others

Points will be awarded in the following ways:

Positional points within the age division based on total scratch pin fall within the qualifying stage of each tournament, starting at:

85 for 1st, 80 for 2nd, 75 for 3rd, 70 for 4th and decreasing by one for each place thereafter.
Each game score over the declared and verified entering average: 1 point

TournamentBonusRanking Points Format
South of England Open 2025NoneTotal (Score/Over)
U10 Challenge Cup 25Best Two Ranking Points from 4 entriesTotal (Score/Over)
Bowlers Club 25Best Two Ranking Points from 4 entriesTotal (Score/Over)
Yorkshire Handicap Singles 2025Over average points for Scramble stage bowlersTotal (Score/Over/TB)
Northern Junior Challenge 2025Additional Ranking point for top 3 in each divisionTotal (Score/Over/TB)
Southern Junior Challenge 2025Additional Ranking point for top 3 in each divisionTotal (Score/Over/TB)
British Youth Team Open 2025NoneTotal (Score/Over)
U13 Regional Singles North/Central/South 2025Over average points for finals stage bowlersTotal (Score/Over/TB)
Stroud Handicap SinglesRanking point for highest handicap game per gameTotal (Score/Over/TB)
U22 Doubles & Singles 2025Additional Ranking point for top 3 in each divisionTotal (Score/Over/TB)
YB Matchplay 2025Over average points for finals stage bowlersTotal (Score/Over/TB)
Classic Singles 2025NoneTotal (Score/Over)
North of England Combination Trios 2025NoneTotal (Score/Over)
BTBA Youth National ChampionshipsNoneTotal (Score/Over)
Mansfield Doubles (North) 2025NoneTotal (Score/Over)
Airport Doubles (South) 2025NoneTotal (Score/Over)

Ranking tables will show score points, over average game points and any tournament bonus points as Total (Score/Over/TB) ie, 78 (70/5/3)

Tour Masters places will be determined from the best 5 tournament ranking points earned.

Youth Bowling Nationals ranking points will be based on all games played (9)

YB Aspirations Tour YBC Ranking Process

YBC’s will receive Aspirations Tour Ranking points for each tournament their bowlers enter. A minimum of 5 tournaments must be entered and the YBC with most points from their best 5 will be declared the YBC of the Year.

YBC points will scored in the following way

  1. The difference between the combined entering average and the combined scoring average for each YBC will be ranked and placed in order from biggest to smallest difference. Points, starting at 70 and decreasing by 1 for each place will be awarded.
  2. A bonus uplift depending on the number of bowlers from the YBC entered will also be added. The bonus will range from 1% for one bowler to a maximum of 10% for 10 or more bowlers.

For example, a YBC earns 69 points for coming second in the Average Difference Ranking. They entered 4 bowlers, so a 4% bonus will be added. In total the YBC receives 71.76 ranking points for the tournament.

YB Aspirations Tour Masters
Date22nd/23rd November 2025
QualifyingTo qualify for the Tour Masters bowlers must have bowled in at least 5 YB Aspirations Tour events. The top 6, based on ranking points, in each age division will be invited to the Tour Masters. Should a bowler not accept their invitation we will invite the next bowler on the table, providing they have met the 6 event requirement.
Current ranking tables are here:
HandicapBowlers scores will have an applied handicap. The handicap will be 80% of 210 and the average will be taken from the Aspirations Tour Average table available here: