Did you know the first BTBA National Championships 1962 took place at ABC Tenpin Lanes in Stamford Hill?
With the recent development of the new BTBA Library & Museum we are pleased to announce that 18 brochures have been uploaded and stored here on the website for our members to both read, and look back on, the news and results since the first BTBA Nationals of 1962, which were held at ABC Tenpin Lanes in Stamford Hill.
In the coming months we look forward to highlighting some of the past news on both the website and our social media channels (instagram/twitter search @thebtba) – please give them a follow and share the news!
IF you are holding any missing issues or reports/scores of past Nationals, there is no definitive list of issues, please send them to me or contact me on stuartwatson@btba.org.uk so that I can include them.
HELP US TO RECOVER OUR HISTORY – we are keen to recover and publish as much of our history as we can: members at home/abroad, leagues, YBCs and not just our National Team.
Thank you,
Stuart Watson
Communications & PR