The UK Tenpin Hall of Fame has inducted athletes Nick Froggatt and Angie Brown along with youth bowling stalwarts Brian & Gill Parker for 2023.
Nick becomes the 15th man and Angie the 16th woman inducted for the athletes and Brian & Gill become the 12th Distguished Service inductees for their dedication to youth bowling.
The Hall of Fame was established in 2013 and is home to UK Centre History, UK Records, a Museum and the UK Database. You can visit the Hall of Fame here >> https://uktenpinhalloffame.co.uk/ (Note: opens in a new window)
“The National Council congratulate Nick, Angie and the Parker’s on their inductions.”
British Tenpin Bowling Association
The BTBA maintains a list of all inductees within the BTBA Library here >> Hall of Fame Inductees
Socials: facebook / twitter / instagram @thebtba – search #uktenpinhalloffame