YBE announce new YBC Support Manager

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Youth Bowling England are pleased to welcome Tracy Robertson as YBC Support Manager, as more YBCs return to bowling.

Tracy brings to YBE a passion to help further develop YBCs at a ‘pastoral level’.  Tracy will be contacting all of the YBCs to gather information on facilities which are available to and on offer for individual clubs.  Tracy has prepared a pathway along which she wishes to offer support to YBC officials and helpers with recruitment of parents and new bowlers into clubs, support for local fundraising, promoting of clubs through ClubHub, promoting the 2021/2022 YBE Tournament program and assisting officials with the maintenance obligations in GoMembership.

“Going forward I hope to offer support raising club profiles locally for those YBCs who would like this.  Obtaining funding for educational purposes and other associated club costs is something I have a great deal of experience in and I’m keen to pass this knowledge on with one-to-one help. More importantly, I’m very keen to encourage YBCs to work together to reduce costs, improve membership and share their experiences of what makes for a successful and happy YBC. Youth Bowling England faces many challenges following COVID-19 and hopefully by sharing knowledge and ideas we can get our junior bowlers back into bowling centres and encourage new members.”

Tracy Robertson
YBC Support Manager