2018 BTBA UK Championship Tour – Rob Thurlby and Hayley Russell finish top

Rob Thurlby, BTBA Tour Winner 2018
Rob Thurlby, BTBA Tour Winner 2018

by Daniel Bonfield

The 2018 BTBA UK Championship Tour has come to an end and the final standings are now available for download.

Congratulations to this year’s ranking champions, Rob Thurlby and Hayley Russell. Rob has played consistently well all year including in this year’s Majors (The Nationals and World Cup Qualifier). Hayley joined the tour late, missing the first three events of the year, but then started with an outstanding 262 average at Airport Bowl, setting a new national record. She then also claimed maximum points at Worthing, Shropshire and Stroud.


Hayley Russell BTBA Tour Winner 2018
Hayley Russell, BTBA Tour Winner 2018

Well done to all the players who managed to play the minimum of six events. Playing a tour and seeing it through to the end takes effort and dedication. You have to pick yourself up after you have a bad event and then be prepared to go again. Many people have a set back and they disappear. Special mention to the Alley Cats team for supporting the tour and in particular to Darren Knightsbridge and Kirstie Western who played all ten events.

A massive thank you to my significant other, Alison for calculating the rankings all year.

If you have any queries regarding these final rankings, then please contact me drwbonfield@yahoo.co.uk

We are pleased to announce that tour sponsors B&P Fabrications and Striking Shirts, will both be back for a third year next season. We are also pleased to welcome new sponsor PDQ Printing Services on board.

The first event of the year, the Nottingham 4s is filling up and can be entered here.


Tour statistics

Total number of 810 bowlers participated in the tour events this year:

Men = 616

Women = 194

The number of bowlers playing 6 or more events this year:

Men = 23

Women = 10


How do these stack up against last year ?

Total bowlers:

2018 = 810 bowlers

2017 = 647 bowlers


Break down:


Men = 616

Women = 194


Men = 519

Women =128


Number of bowlers playing 6 or more events:


Men = 16 bowlers

Women = 4 bowlers


Men = 23

Women = 10

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