Jenkins & Brock win Tenpintour 9 at Guildford

Mark Jenkins wins his third and Carol Brock her first TenpinTour event at Guildford

Official Website BTBA Library BTBA Tenpintour History

The BTBA Tenpintour is a handicap-based tour.  Scores given are ‘total inc. handicap’ / ‘avg. scratch’

67 men and 23 women athletes ‘rolled-in’ to Guildford Spectrum on 21 & 22 October 2023 to. compete in Tenpintour 2023 Stop 9.

For the men it was, again, another display of quality bowling with some blistering scores in excess of 250 and possibly half of all remaining scoring above par.  The top-5 men finished with winner Mark Jenkins 1st with 1,617 / 231 avg. and games of 257, 225, 267 & 267, Stuart Harris 2nd with 1,532 / 210 avg. and games of 200, 222 and the tournament mens high game of 288, Chris West 3rd with 1,477 / 232 avg. and games of 225, 278, 264 & 237, Stephen Bose 4th with 1,458 / 215 avg. incl. games of 216, 103, 246, 227 & 204 and finally Dave Thornton 5th with 1,451 / 194 avg. with games of 235 & 203.

Amongst the women there too were plenty of 200+ games, with women’s winner Carol Brock 1st with 1,309 / 193 avg. and games of 212, 219 & 201, Hilary Exell 2nd with 1,296 / 175 avg. and a 201 game, Catherine Wills 3rd with 1,284 / 195 avg. and games of 211 & 237, Elaine Davey 4th with 1,255 / 181 avg. and a 204 game and Diane Johnson 5th with 1,249 / 188 avg. and games of 235 & 204.  Women,s high game went to Anna Yang in 7th who closed with a 246 game.

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