Best 3 Series from 5 – a YBE Discovery Tour 2023 Event

The Best 3 Series from 5 took place on 6 August 2023 at GOBowling Dunstable.

Competing athletes each bowled 5 games, changing lanes every game.  The best 3 consecutive game series determined the final placings (i.e. games 1/2/3 or 2/3/4 or 3/4/5).

All athletes bowled in one of four divisions by average – Div and above, Div B:141 to 170, Div C: 116 to 140 & Div D: up-to 115.  Tour Ranking Points are awarded from the 5 game scratch total.


DIVISION A Jessica Sillis took gold with 1091 pins / 218.2 avg. / 704 best 3 series over Louie Dawson who took silver with 1088 / 217.6 / 698 and Abbie Rhodes who took bronze with 992 / 198.4 / 615.

Div. A – Silver
Louie Dawson (698)

Div. AGold
Jessica Sillis (704)

Div. A – Bronze
Abbie Rhodes (615)

DIVISION B Gold was won by Ava Andrade with 907 / 181.4 / 618, Silver by Riley Taylor with 923 / 194.6 / 593 and Bronze by Jasmine Snowball with 897 / 179.4 / 562

Div. B – Silver
Riley Taylor (593)

Div. B – Gold
Ava Andrade (618)

Div. B – Bronze
Jasmine Snowball (562)

DIVISION C Gold went to Ava Richardson with 802 / 160.4 / 516, Silver to Brandon Garthwaite with 786 / 157.2 / 511 and Bronze to Emily Rogers with 747 / 149. 4 / 508.

Div. C – Silver
Brandon Garthwaite (511

Div. C – Gold
Ava Richardson (516)

Div. C – Bronze
Emily Rogers (508)

DIVISION D Gold for Olivia Richardson with 666 / 138.0 / 416, Silver for James Brennan with 567 / 113.4 / 399 and Bronze for Evie Denne with 580 / 116.0 / 383.

Div. D – Silver
James Brennan (399)

Div. D – Gold
Olivia Richardson (416)

Div. D – Bronze
Evie Denne (383)


Jessica Sillis A 210 259 235 201 186 1091 218.2 704
Louie Dawson A 208 258 232 203 187 1088 217.6 698
Abbie Rhodes A 176 201 193 174 248 992 198.4 615
Ethan Callander A 202 214 167 226 182 991 198.2 607
Kieran Lunn A 163 206 148 204 222 943 188.6 574
William Herbert A 146 189 199 147 200 881 176.2 546
Liam Bailey A 166 223 156 137 194 876 175.2 545
Ben Marston A 161 111 157 140 215 784 156.8 512
Ava Andrade B 150 245 203 170 139 907 181.4 618
Riley Taylor B 148 192 204 197 182 923 184.6 593
Jasmine Snowball B 178 169 215 155 180 897 179.4 562
Cameron Brown B 175 201 157 201 199 933 186.6 559
Olivia Streak B 212 179 132 150 160 833 166.6 523
Ella Dunphy B 179 197 135 188 146 845 169.0 520
Callum Taylor B 170 180 146 189 147 832 166.4 515
Harry Lee B 122 128 168 164 174 756 151.2 506
Hannah Crowe B 176 145 158 171 162 812 162.4 491
Chloe Birch B 135 166 138 165 186 790 158.0 489
Ciara Ferrigan B 186 154 148 137 117 742 148.4 488
Olivia McCarthy B 171 166 151 141 177 806 161.2 488
Ruby Collins B 161 178 134 115 127 715 143.0 473
Kiera Black B 163 123 148 150 173 757 151.4 471
Caleb Bailey B 192 138 114 138 159 741 148.2 444
Ava Richardson C 154 186 176 132 154 802 160.4 516
Brandon Garthwaite C 151 124 144 196 171 786 157.2 511
Emily Rogers C 124 187 159 162 115 747 149.4 508
Ryan Garthwaite C 157 112 181 102 114 666 133.2 450
Olivia Rogers C 123 163 135 143 110 674 134.8 441
Corey Davey C 117 148 116 125 142 648 129.6 389
Nathan Chander C 96 88 110 131 122 547 109.4 363
Olivia Richardson D 132 116 133 156 129 666 133.2 418
James Brennan D 82 108 155 136 86 567 113.4 399
Evie Denne D 174 103 106 112 85 580 116.0 383
Lewis Blowfield D 104 117 112 133 131 597 119.4 376
Fin Clarke D 99 108 96 97 174 574 114.8 367
Lily Brennan D 133 103 110 106 73 525 105.0 346
James Burn D 91 91 112 105 127 526 105.2 344
Taylor Bonfield D 87 100 84 97 141 509 101.8 322
Harriet Bonfield D 94 97 101 93 91 476 95.2 292
Ryan Buckingham D 62 60 68 63 72 325 65.0 203


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