Team England 2022 George Jagger

Photo of George Jagger

Team England 2022 Squad – we interview George Jagger

Let’s start with the England call up George. Is excited the appropriate word and what does it mean to you to wear the Adult National shirt?

I would say the word excited is the right word to use, to wear the adult national shirt means for me, at such a young age you are capable of doing anything you put ur mind to as long as u put the effort and dedication in aswell.

The youngest in the squad and a chance for you to show what you can do. How will you repare for the European Men’s Championships?

To prepare for the EMC I will continue working with my coach Mark Heathorn who I have worked with for over 2 years now. Together we will continue planning and preparing for the EMC but also longer term goals.

When did bowling start for you and who has helped you get to this high level so fast?

Bowling first started for me at the age of 13 when me and my family went down to shipley go bowling and Lee asked if I would like to join the ybc, so from there I just got more and more into bowling and I started to put more time and effort into the sport that I love. The people that helped me get to this level would be, my mum (Jill Jagger) my dad (Ken Jagger) my coach (Mark Heathorn) The owner of Go Bowling Shipley Lanes (Jeff Taylor) and the Power Play Pro Shop Shipley owner (Steve Kay)

The PBA has proved younger players are now coming through and winning the big events. Does this inspire you and what would you say are your strengths on the lanes?

I would say it inspires you in a way that it proves younger bowlers have a chance of making it professional and not only that but winning PBA titles,  I would say I am fairly strong in every aspect of bowling, and with the amount of effort and dedication I put in, I will only get better from here.

Is it all bowling bowling bowling or do you do any additional physical or mental training at Shipley?

My coach works on every aspect required to make me a better athlete and so training is a focused plan on much more than just physical technique.

Which players out there do you admire and who would be the perfect doubles partner for you?

One player I think we all admire  is EJ Tackett, and yet again I think anyone partnered up with him would do fairly well.

What’s currently the ball of choice and do you have a preferred brand?

The current ball of choice for me would be the Prism Warp Solid, I don’t have a preferred ball brand.

When you are not bowling what other things do you enjoy doing?

When I’m not bowling I enjoy playing video games with my mates, I’ve also recently passed my driving test so sometimes I go off for the occasional drive, and just spending time with the people I love.

Trips to tournaments means a few hours in the car, what music is currently on your playlists?

I have a few playlists, one for the drive to wherever I am going, one playlist to get me focused, and another one to calm me down after a tournament.

The sport is changing now and things like baker formats and bowling on strings. As a bowler are you happy to adapt to whatever you bowl on and have you played much on string so far?

As a bowler I go into a centre with an open mind and take it as it comes, you learn to adapt to the conditions and do what you can to play to the best of your ability.

What goals do you have for yourself in the sport going forwards?

The main goal for me at the moment is going professional and I believe with the amount of time, effort and dedication I should be able to do this within 3 to 5 years.

Let’s just say, you show exactly what you are capable of and you win a European Gold medal. TV and movie people come calling, who plays you in a movie?

Personally I would prefer to play myself in a movie if I ever got the chance.

Finally George, you now become an inspiration for other young bowlers looking to break into the Adult national team, What advice do you say to others?

Some advice I would give would be, don’t listen to the people who doubt you and are against you, focus on yourself and your aim, you have to be ready to do anything to make your dream come true, if you want it that bad, you have to show it.

Thank you George!

We have invited all of the Adult Team England squad for 2022 to tell us a little more about themselves, and will publish them all weekly.  You can read all of our athlete’s interviews on the Athlete Interviews page here..