2021 County Championships

“It is with regret that the BTBA have had to take the decision to cancel all of the Inter County championships for 2021.

“Uncertainties on exactly when centres will be open and be able to allow competition play as we would need, remain. We must also not forget that even with centres open, the ability to get lanes for trials and qualifying rounds is simply unknown and may prevent some counties entering teams.

“Whilst this may be another piece of unwelcome news, our judgement was rather than wait and hope for the best and then find that it would not be possible, we took this decision now.  This will allow our Local Associations to focus on getting our leagues back up and running and get our members back on the lanes in a safe environment. Allowing bowling to return to some form of normality first is, we believe, the correct decision.

“A review of county boundaries and age groups for Junior Championships are ongoing. The cancellation of this year’s championships allows recommendations to be put before an Inter County Think Tank later this year. The agreed outcome from this would then be in place for the 2022 Championships.”

Lisa John
Chairman & Director of Membership Services
British Tenpin Bowling Association