BTBA announce appointment of Caroline ‘Caz’ Hillman as Adult Team England Manager

Caroline Hillman

The BTBA are delighted to announce the appointment of Caz Hillman as the new Adult Team England Manager.

“It is a huge honour and a privilege that I have been offered the position of Adult Team England Manager. Although I have not been directly involved with bowling previously, I have been involved with the UK Water Skiing team as a member of the team, a coach and as a manager. I hope that my experience within another sport will help to develop the sport of bowling going forward through support, encouragement and a fresh pair of eyes to help promote and support bowling at the highest level. It has always been an ambition of mine to work with Team England in another sport and after my recent role  at the European Mens Championships in Munich as Team Manager, I am looking forward to taking on the position in these challenging times.

“I want to ensure that all who are involved at this level have the opportunity to have their say and input into the development of the team, ensuring the bowlers taking part feel included in all of the decisions being made for the future of team England going forward. I look forward to working with all of the team and coming up with innovative solutions to the age-old problems we have in relation to costs, sponsorship, qualification and selection, ensuring everyone feels part of the solution and not the problem.

“I do not expect to resolve all of the issues facing us overnight, but would like to think that together, we can make a positive move forward and put Team England back in the position that it deserves with such talented bowlers at all levels. I look forward to being part of a new team and helping drive the sport in England forward at International level.

Caz can be contacted on