Youth Triple Crown 2020 – Announcement


The BTBA, Youth Team England (YTE) and Youth Bowling England* (YBE) have discussed this years Junior Triple Crown event and unfortunately see no other option but to CANCEL it for 2020.

There are many factors that have brought us to this decision including:

  • Unable to complete the season due to current restrictions;
  • Youth Triple Crown ranking events not fulfilled due to current restrictions;
  • Sourcing hotels, centres and banquet facilities as not open and unable to make bookings; and
  • Rules on 2m social distancing and what this could potentially look like when bowling centres re-open and for how long.

We are prepared and happy to still host the event next year in 2021, but for now we feel this is the best time to make this decision, to support countries, their bowlers and parents with what is happening and the uncertainty that we all face in the current climate.

All of the countries involved with the Triple Crown have been informed and they will be arranging a meeting to discuss the steps forward for next year. This covers all age groups for Triple Crowns including rules and arranging events. Once they have met and discussed the way forward we will share any information with our members.

Organisers of any event never want to see it cancelled and we know that there will be many disappointed bowlers and parents, but in light of the continuing uncertainty we do not feel that we can plan for the event to go ahead safely in August.

Thank you,

Jo Cundy 
Director of Governance & Legal

* Youth Bowling England, YBE, was established to replace the NAYBC and is responsible for youth bowling at all levels within England.  More information about YBE will be available in the near future.