Youth Team England Update

Steve Allen, Youth Team England Manager has provided an update on the qualification process for 2020 and 2021.

“Since my appointment as Youth Team England Manager I have reviewed the current qualifying processes for Youth Team England events that are in place for Triple Crown 2020 and European Youth Championships (EYC) 2021. The review was not to change any of the current qualifying formats but to try and make them more understandable and clear to everyone involved in the process of qualifying for Team England for these events in 2020 and 2021.

We have removed most of the criteria’s off the Team England section of the BTBA website to stop the confusion around the qualifying process along with updating the websites with the latest information we have received for Triple Crown and EYC qualifying for 2020 and 2021 and make it as clear as possible what tournaments need to be participated in to play for Youth Team England in 2020/2021.”

Youth Triple Crown 2020 qualifying

There will be 2 age groups for the 2020 Youth Triple Crown, both male and female.

Under 18

18 and under on 31st December in the year of the tournament.

Under 15

15 and under on 31st December in the year of the tournament.

Top 6 will qualify for Team England in all age divisions as long as the bowler has met the qualifying criteria which are available on the Triple Crown links.





This rule will now NOT apply for Youth Triple Crown 2020.

“A player may represent England in the Youth Triple Crown every year until such times as they qualify to represent England at EYC, WJC, or WYC. Once a player has represented England in any of these events they must wait until they go up to the next Triple Crown age group before they can play in it again.

 Once they are in the next age group,they may continue to play YTC in that age group, until they represent England in the EYC, WJC, or WYC whilst in that age group. This process will continue until a player leaves the age categories stipulated for Youth Triple Crown.

 A YTC bowler will be eligible to compete in the TC in each stipulated age group at least once, subject of course to qualification and age brackets. Once a player becomes ineligible for an age group through TE Representation, they automatically become eligible for the next age bracket for TC, even if by age they are still eligible for the younger bracket.”

European Youth Championships (EYC) Qualifying 2021 (Wittelsheim, France)

To be in consideration for EYC 2021 there are selected qualifying tournaments that have to be entered. The details of these are below which are the original tournaments that have already been published at the start of the season.

The current complicated selection process after the qualifying events for EYC 2021 will be reviewed shortly to make it more clearer, fairer and transparent for all the bowlers. More details will follow once the new Youth Team England committee is in place.





“I would like to personally thank the NAYBC Committee who have worked with us over the past few weeks to create a clearer picture for all to understand what is required to qualify for Youth Team England events in 2020/2021.

We are trying to bring a transparent and clear structure to all Youth Team England matters going forward. With this in mind I would like to thank you all for the support I have received so far in the short period of time I have been in this role and I look forward sharing with you soon the team of people who will be involved to help drive Youth International bowling forward in the future. We have made huge strides over recent weeks with a clear and positive outlook so far for the future success of our Youth England teams.

Details about the World Youth Championships 2020 qualification process which will be held in Las Vegas in November 2020 will be available soon.”


Please feel free to contact me at anytime at

Steve Allen

Youth Team England Manager

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