Honour Scores Men Women Mixed Teams Other

High Game – Mixed Doubles

1 Game High Score of 579
Bowled By: Hayley Russell (279) & Pete Stevenson (300)
Date: t.b.c.  Venue:  t.b.c.
Source: BTBA UK Records

3 Game High Score of 1,495
Bowled By: Helen Tamblyn (743) & Dave Whiffen (752)
Date: t.b.c.  Venue: t.b.c
Source: BTBA UK Records

High Game – Mixed Team of Four

1 Game High Score of 1,022
Bowled By: Claire Tracey (258), Stevie Dynes (277), Mark Snecker (287) & Keith Hooker (200)
Date: t.b.c.  Venue: t.b.c.
Source: BTBA UK Records

3 Game High Score of 2,933
Bowled By: Claire Tracey (738), Stevie Dynes (743), Mark Snecker (756) & Keith Hooker (696)
Date: t.b.c.  Venue: t.b.c.
Source: BTBA UK Records

High Game – Mixed Team of Five

1 Game High Score of 1,259
Bowled By: Faye Elkington (265), Jamie Elliott (249), Brian Marks (212), Danni Hopcroft (299) & Tom Turner (234)
Date: t.b.c.  Venue: t.b.c.
Source: BTBA UK Records

3 Game High Score of 3,530
Bowled By: Faye Elkington (736), Jamie Elliott (748), Brian Marks (643), Danni Hopcroft (729) & Tom Turner (674)
Date: t.b.c.  Venue: t.b.c.
Source: BTBA UK Records