Youth Bowling England are delighted to announce the 2021 YBE National Virtual High Series (VHS) Tournament!

Additional Tournament Resources:

This new tournament format has been designed to help us through the current COVID-19 situation.  From June 12th until the end of 2021, bowlers can enter their YBC three game scratch series score – bowled during a regular YBC session – into the National Virtual High Series Tournament.  If a YBC runs more than 3 games as part of their regular club meeting then the first 3 games will be the scoring games.


* * * FREE TO ENTER! * * *

£2,000 allocated prize money

Prize money – 1st £100   2nd £60   3rd £40

Boys and Girls Average Divisions


Bowlers can enter up-to six times.  At the end of the tournament period the bowler with the single highest series score within each YBE Average division will win.  Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in each average division.

The YBC Secretary (or other licenced official) must sign and submit the results sheet to the YBC Tournament Manager (Briadn & Gill Parker on for verification and inclusion in the tournament.

Regular posting of current results will be made on the YBE website ( and by clicking the Youth Bowling England logo on the BTBA website homepage (

This is a great opportunity to get everyone engaged in bowling once more as we find a pathway through these changed times and YBE very much look forward to receiving your scores!

BTBA Sanctioned as a

Rule 302 Mail-o-Graphic Tournament

Sanction number: 21/0017

Good luck!

Stephen Toop
Head of Youth Bowling & YBE Tour Manager
British Tenpin Bowling Association

2021 National Virtual High Series Rules

  1. YBCs can only enter this tournament if their centre has allowed YBC League Bowling to run in accordance with both Government and centre guidelines pertaining to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  2. The YBE National Virtual High Series Tournament (the Tournament) is governed by the rules of the BTBA.
  3. The Tournament is open to all U22 bowlers (D.O.B. 01/01/2000 or later).
  4. All bowlers must be in good standing with the BTBA and be a current registered BTBA member.
  5. The tournament is National as defined by YBE.
  6. Bowlers will submit their three game scratch series score to their YBC official for entry into the Tournament
  7. Entry forms must be submitted to the tournament manager no later later than seven days after each scoring date (see below).
  8. Bowler score sheet (or other suitable evidence) must be attached to the entry.
  9. Only one entry per bowler is required, however up-to six entries per bowler are allowed throughout the scoring dates.
  10. The Tournament scoring dates are (all during 2021): 12th June, 26th June, 17th July, 7th August, 4th September, 25th September, 16th October, 23rd October, 6th November and 27th November.
  11. Bowlers may enter at any point during the Tournament period.
  12. The Tournament will not be BTBA sanctioned,  Any high series / personal best scores must be recognised through YBC league sanction during normal league play.
  13. Pre- or post-bowled scores are not permitted.
  14. YBE Average Divisions for boys and girls are: A 176+, B 151-175, C 126 – 150, D 101-125 and E 0 – 100.
  15. YBE Tournament Manager has the right to re-rate a bowler.
  16. Only signed entries submitted by YBC officials will be accepted.
  17. Winners will be declared after the end of the Tournament period when all the scores have been verified.
  18. The Tournament is FREE TO ENTER but must be bowled as part of a paid YBC session.
  19. The Tournament Manager is Brian & Gill Parker –
