2022 European Championship of Champions

ECC2022 Thumbnail

The 2022 European Championship of Champions takes place at the Bowland Olomouc Bowling and Training Centre, Czech Republic, between 24 – 30 October 2022.

Team England’s George Jagger will bowl alongside 34 other European men (and 33 European women) athletes as they compete for the title ‘2022 European Champion of Champions’.

Athletes will complete 16 games of singles in two blocks of 8 games, after which they will cut to the top-16, then to the top-8 before the semi-finals and finals.

We wish George and Coach Mark Heathorn, the very best of luck and fortunes!

Photo of George Jagger ECC2022 with quote


Values in parentheses indicate final positions in squad.


Photo of George Jagger ECC2022 Block 1

Block 1 Singles
Total 1574 pins (10)

Photo of George Jagger ECC2022 Block 2Block 2 Singles
Total 1628 pins (12)


George Jagger 1574 (10) 1628 (12) 3202 (29)


Weekday Date From To Activity
Monday 24.10.2022 Last day of team arrivals
Ball Registration
10.00 20.00 Unofficial practice
Weekday Date From To Activity
Tuesday 25.10.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 10.00 Team Managers meeting in the cinema opposite the bowling center
10.30 17.30 Ball Registration
10.30 12.00 Official Practice Squad 1
12.00 13.00 Lane Maintenance
13.00 14.30 Official Practice Squad 2
14.30 15.30 Lane Maintenance
15.30 17.00 Official Practice Squad 3
17.00 18.00 Break and line up
18.00 18.30 Opening Ceremony
Weekday Date From To Activity
Wednesday 26.10.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 14.30 Women Block 1
14.30 15.30 Lane Maintenance
15.30 19.00 Men – Group A – Block 1
Weekday Date From To Activity
Thursday 27.10.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 13.30 Men – Group B – Block 1
13.30 14.30 Lane Maintenance
14.30 19.00 Women Block 2
Weekday Date From To Activity
Friday 28.10.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 13.30 Men – Group A – Block 2
13.30 14.30 Lane Maintenance
14.30 18.00 Men – Group B – Block 2
Weekday Date From To Activity
Saturday 29.10.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 13.00 Women Top 16, 8 games
13.00 14.00 Lane Maintenance
14.00 17.00 Men Top 16, 8 games
Weekday Date From To Activity
Sunday 30.10.2022 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 10.45 Men and Women Top 8, 4 games
10.45 11.30 Lane Maintenance
11.30 13.00 Men and Women Semi Finals, best of 3 games
13.00 14.30 Men and Women Final, best of 3 games
14.30 15.30 Medal Ceremonies and closing
20.00 Farewell Party
Weekday Date From To Activity
Monday 31.10.2022 Departures


  • DISCOVER more about George on the Team England interviews page
  • FOLLOW Georgethroughout the Championships on social media through the BTBA facebook, twitter and instagram platforms – (search for @TheBTBA) – with regular updates, insight and interest items on this Team England facebook page.


Official updates and information for the ECC 2022 is available through the event website and other international insight media sources:


LIVE STREAMING – there will be live streaming of the event, through this YouTube Channel..

ONLINE SCORING – online scoring can be found here..

RESULTS – the official scores for the event can be found on the here..

TALK TENPIN – here..

SEARCH / MORE – social media main #tags will be #ECC2022 #TeamEngland on facebook, instagram and twitter