2022 European Women Championship, Denmark

Photo of EWC2022 Team England

The 2022 European Women Championship takes place at Løvvang Bowling Centre, Alborg, Denmark, between 10th and 21st August 2022.

Team England for the Championship are Natasja Ailes, Elyse Giddens, Evie Giddens, Vicki Harman, Lorna Scott and Lucy Wall, accompanied by Team Manager Richard Lambkin and Coach Hadley Morgan.  We wish them all the very best of luck and fortunes.

Photo of Natasja AilesNatasja Ailes

Photo of Elyse GiddensElyse Giddens

Photo of Evie GiddensEvie Giddens
Photo of Vicki HarmanVicki Harman Photo of Lorna ScottLorna Scott Photo of Lucy WallLucy Wall

Athlete arrivals began 9th/10th August where chances were taken for some unofficial practice in the centre.  Official practice takes place Thursday 11th August, and the Championship start with the singles on 12th August and ends with the Master’s and Farewell Party at Heidi’s Bierbar in Jomfru Ane Gade (The Beer Street).


Values in (parentheses) indicate final positions in squad.


Photo of Lucy Wall & Evie Giddens Photo of Natasja Ailes & Vicki Harman Photo of Elyse Giddens & Lorna Scott

Squad 1

Lucy Wall
Pinfall 1,081 (17)
Singles final placing 55th

Evie Giddens
Pinfall 1,030 (24)
Singles final placing 70th

Squad 2

Natasja Ailes
Pinfall 1,183 (7)
Singles final placing 21st

Vicki Harman
Pinfall 1,130 (12)
Singles final placing 32nd

Squad 3

Elyse Giddens
Pinfall 1,222 (5)
Singles final placing 10th

Lorna Scott
Pinfall 1,122 (15)
Singles final placing 36th


Photo of Natasja Ailes & Vicki Harman Photo of Lucy Wall & Evie Giddens Photo of Elyse Giddens & Lorna Scott

Squad 1 / England 1

Natasja Ailes 1,081
Vicki Harman 1,038
Pinfall 2,119 (9)
Doubles final placing 34th

Squad 2 / England 2

Lucy Wall 964
Evie Giddens 1,124
Pinfall 2,088 (14)
Doubles final placing 39th

Squad 3 / England 3

Elyse Giddens 1,150
Lorna Scott 1,154
Pinfall 2,304 (7)
Doubles final placing 14th


Photo of Vicki Harman, Evie Giddens and Lucy Wall Photo of Natasja Ailes, Elyse Giddens and Lorna Scott

Squad 1 / England 1

Vicki Harman 1,151
Evie Giddens 1,123
Lucy Wall 1,048
Pinfall 3,322 (12)
Trios Final Placing 17th

Squad 2 / England 2

Natasja Ailes 1,138
Elyse Giddens 1,051
Lorna Scott 1,204
Pinfall 3,393 (3)
Trios Final Placing 11th


EWC2022 Team England

Team England

Lorna  Scott 1,205, Evie Giddens 1,200
Natasja Ailes 1,199, Vicki Harman 1,125
and Elyse Giddens 1,101
Pinfall 5,830 (5)
Team Final Placing 5th

Also Lucy Wall ‘combined athletes’ 1,114


EWC2022 All Events Lorna Scott EWC2022 All Events Natasja Ailes
EWC2022 All Events Elyse Giddens EWC2022 All Events Evie Giddens
EWC2022 All Events Vick Harman EWC2022 All Events Lucy Wall


Lorna Scott makes Masters in 18th place and -v- Manon Grandsire of France.  Unfortunately Lorna would be defeated 180 – 244 and 190 – 248.





Ailes, Natasja
1,183 1,081 1,138 1,199 4,601 / 29th
Giddens, Elyse 1,222 1,150 1,051 1,101 4,524 / 36th
Giddens, Evie 1,030 1,124 1,123 1,200 4,477 / 38th
Harman, Vicki 1,130 1,038 1,151 1,125 4,444 / 40th
Scott, Lorna 1,122 1,154 1,204 1,205 4,685 / 18th
Wall, Lucy 1,081 964 1,048 1,114 4,207 / 70th


  • READ our athlete’s interviews ahead of the Championships, which can all be found on the Athlete Interviews page
  • DISCOVER more about them on the Team England facebook page
  • FOLLOW Team England throughout the Championships on social media through the BTBA facebook, twitter and instagram platforms – (search for @TheBTBA) – with regular updates, insight and interest items on this Team England facebook page.


Official updates and information for the EWC2022 is available through the event website and other international insight media sources:

OFFICIAL WEBSITE – https://ewc2022.etbfchampionships.eu/

TALK TENPIN – https://tinyurl.com/cfya49jv

LIVE STREAMING – https://ewc2022.etbfchampionships.eu/live-streaming/

ONLINE SCORING – https://bowlingresults.info/ewc/2022

RESULTS – https://bowlingresults.info/ewc/2022/

SEARCH / MORE – social media main #tags will be #EWC2022 #TeamEngland on facebook, instagram and twitter


Weekday Date From To Activity
Tuesday 09.08.2022 Ball Registration
15.00 20.00 Unofficial practice
Weekday Date From To Activity
Wednesday 10.08.2022 Last day of team arrivals
Ball Registration
10.00 20.00 Unofficial practice
Weekday Date From To Activity
Thursday 11.08.2022 09.00 19.00 Ball Registration
09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 10.00 Team Managers meeting in Lövvang
10.30 12.00 Official Practice Squad 1
12.00 13.00 Lane Maintenance
13.00 14.30 Official Practice Squad 2
14.30 15.30 Lane Maintenance
15.30 17.00 Official Practice Squad 3
17.00 18.00 Break and line up
18.00 18.30 Opening Ceremony in Lövvang
Weekday Date From To Activity
Friday 12.08.2022 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.45 Singles Squad 1
12.45 13.45 Lane Maintenance
13.45 17.30 Singles Squad 2
Weekday Date From To Activity
Saturday 13.08.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 13.45 Singles Squad 3
13.45 14.30 Break and Lane Maintenance
14.30 15.00 Singles Semi Finals
15.00 15.15 Break and exchange
15.15 15.45 Singles Final
16.00 16.30 Medal Ceremony, Singles
Weekday Date From To Activity
Sunday 14.08.2022 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 12.45 Doubles Squad 1
12.45 13.45 Lane Maintenance
13.45 17.30 Doubles Squad 2
Weekday Date From To Activity
Monday 15.08.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 13.45 Doubles Squad 3
13.45 14.30 Break and Lane Maintenance
14.30 15.15 Doubles Semi Finals
15.15 15.30 Break and exchange
15.30 16.15 Doubles Final
16.30 17.00 Medal Ceremony, Doubles
Weekday Date From To Activity
Tuesday 16.08.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane Maintenance
10.00 12.45 Trios Squad 1 (Game 1-3)
12.45 13.45 Lane Maintenance
13.45 16.30 Trios Squad 2 (Game 1-3)
Weekday Date From To Activity
Wednesday 17.08.2022 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 11.45 Trios Squad 2 (Game 4-6)
11.45 12.45 Lane Maintenance
12.45 15.30 Trios Squad 1 (Game 4-6)
15.30 16.15 Break and Lane Maintenance
16.15 17.15 Trios Semi Finals
17.15 17.30 Break and exchange
17.30 18.30 Trios Final
18.30 19.00 Medal Ceremony, Trios
Weekday Date From To Activity
Thursday 18.08.2022 09.00 10.00 Lane maintenance
10.00 14.30 Team Squad 01 (Game 1-3)
Weekday Date From To Activity
Friday 19.08.2022 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 13.30 Team Squad A (Game 4-6)
13.30 14.15 Lane Maintenance
14.15 15.45 Team Semi Finals
15.45 16.00 Break exchange
16.00 17.30 Team Final
17.30 18.00 Medal Ceremonies Team and All Event
Weekday Date From To Activity
Saturday 20.08.2022 08.00 09.00 Lane Maintenance
09.00 10.15 Masters Step 1 (8 matches)
10.15 10.30 Break and exchange
10.30 11.45 Masters Step 2 (8 matches)
11.45 12.30 Break and Lane Maintenance
12.30 13.45 Masters Step 3 (4 matches)
13.45 14.00 Break and exchange
14.00 15.15 Masters Step 4 (2 Semi Finals)
15.15 16.30 Masters Step 5 (Final)
16.30 17.00 Medal Ceremony Masters
20.00 Farewell Party at Heidi’s Bierbar in Jomfru Ane Gade (The Beer Street)
Weekday Date From To Activity
Sunday 21.08.2022 Departures