Team England 2022 Adam Shrubb

Photo of Adam Srubb

Team England 2022 Squad – we interview Adam Shrubb

Where did bowing start for you and what made you take it up as a sport and hobby?

My grandad used to take me green bowling when I was younger and I really enjoyed it. I was never interested enough to take it up as a hobby though. I started going to Sunderland bowl with my mum and dad when I was 9 years old.The regulars asked if I wanted to join practice and league. I was really keen to go as I loved bowling. It may sound sentimental, but I have my late grandad to thank for where I am today. I probably would never have taken up bowling if I hadn’t had that experience with him when I was very young!

Who helped you improve in the early days and who has helped you continue through to now?

Steve Cairns and Martin Drummond were my coaches. In YBC we had the help of June Simmons and Bob Pallas. In both England and Gibraltar I have been helped by many people to improve as a bowler. Two great friends England bowler Adam Cairns and Gibraltar bowler Michael Wood have been fundamental over the years in helping me.

Improve you did and eventually representing Gibraltar and winning a Masters Bronze in the 2014 Mediterranean Championships on home soil. How was that moment?

Gibraltar had never won a Mediterranean Bowling Championship medal before! The Gibraltar team and I were determined to change that on home soil! In the Masters Finals when I won the first knockout, I honestly didn’t even realise that I had won the bronze medal, because I tore a muscle in my bowling arm half way through the knockouts. I was trying to figure out how to get through the next game. Getting up on that podium with my mum and dad present was one of the best experiences! Even though my arm was in a sling it made me think “Right I can do this what is next?”

Next up though was an European Bowling Tour win and again on home soil. This must be your biggest win so far I guess?

Yes and honestly it was better than I expected when I saw the list of bowlers. I was bowling well and I really liked bowling on Gibraltar lanes. When I got into the finals the stress levels were literally through the roof! To win an EBT and to do it playing one of my idols  Paul Moor in the final was extra special. It was tough playing against such great bowlers, but the Gibraltar spectators were a fantastic support.

A country change and selected for the upcoming European Men’s Championships for England. Why the change and are you excited?

I was born and raised in Sunderland England. When I was 22 for career reasons I moved to Gibraltar. The Gibraltar Bowling Association (GTBA) kindly allowed me represent them for 4 years in various tournaments e.g EMC, 3 Qubica AMF World cups, Commonwealth Games in New Zealand and Mediterranean cups. I’ve been back in England for 5-6 years now and wanted to get back to qualifying for England. This has been my ambition since I was in YBC but I haven’t succeeded until now! It’s a dream come true. I’m definitely excited to finally wear the lion on my shirt.

We all welcome you to the England team and look forward to seeing you represent us. Will there be any nerves at first at EMC22?

I think my experience at these past events will help a lot. I am really looking forward to it.I do not want to let anybody on the team or at home down. Nerves will always be a factor. I think nerves are good though as they can bring out your best if you handle it well.

Proven as a singles player, are you comfortable in team play?

Over the years I have played in lots of teams from league to international. I have also bowled with the County Durham team at various times. In the last County Finals we were able to pull off the win. I love being a team player because you can support each other and the banter helps you relax and relieve the pressure.

You have bowled many great players, who impresses you in the sport and who would be your perfect doubles partner?

There have been many bowlers I have admired and enjoyed watching. I grew up following the PBA and Weber cup so the likes of Paul Moor, Tomas Leandersson and Tim Mack. Chris Barnes has always been one of my idols. I had the privilege of playing on the same lanes as him in the second round of 50th World Cup in Poland. At the same time my mum was trying to get his autograph for me haha! If I had to pick a doubles partner it would be Norm Duke. He is such a character and amazing bowler on the PBA scene even today.

What goals do you have for yourself in the sport?

To be honest being on the England squad has been my main goal since the age of 9. I’ve achieved that so I suppose it would be to win a medal for England. That would be amazing!

When not bowling, what do you do for a career?

Im a Product Manager for Bede Gaming an online gambling platform and web provider. I’ve been working in the gambling industry since I was 18. My first job was for Sunderland Greyhound Stadium betting staff. I also worked for Betvictor in Gibraltar for 5 years, so its been my career for most of my adult life.

Do you have any other interests or hobbies?

I love video games on console when I get the chance to chill after work. I play a game called Destiny with friends and also lot of single player games e.g Cyberpunk and Horizon Zero Dawn. I also like going to the cinema to watch opening night movies on the big screen especially Marvel and Star Wars films.

What will you work on in the coming months to be ready for EMC22?

Mainly practice and sort out my equipment. My game is in a good place at the moment and I am bowling well in my local league. I am really nervous but excited about representing England and once the competition starts the adrenaline will kick in and I’m sure our team will do well.

What is currently in the bag and will you invest in more equipment before the championships?

I’ve invested in a completely new set for the tournament. Currently in the bag is 1 pearl, 2 hybrids, 2 solids and the all important urethane and spare ball!

 Thank you, Adam!

We have invited all of the Adult Team England squad for 2022 to tell us a little more about themselves, and will publish them all weekly.  You can read all of our athlete’s interviews on the Athlete Interviews page