Rainbow Laces Day – 8th December

This year Rainbow Laces Day is Wednesday 8th December and the BTBA is proud to be a supporter

Many of our members will already be familiar with Rainbow Laces in support of LGBTQ+ inclusion. This year, Rainbow Laces are evolving to become a symbol of commitment and we’re asking everyone to ‘Lace Up and Speak Up’ and start the conversations we need to have to make our sport everyone’s game.

Two thirds of sport fans who’ve seen the campaign believe they have a responsibility to stand in solidarity for LGBTQ+ fans of the teams and sports they follow. However, the numbers show there is still much to do.

20% of sport fans think anti-LGBTQ+ language is harmless if it’s just meant as banter (ICM for Stonewall, 2020).

43% of LGBTQ+ people think public sporting events aren’t a welcoming space for them (YouGov for Stonewall, 2017).

33% of LGBTQ+ people who participate or follow sport are not out to anyone in their sporting life (Out in Sport, 2019)

Everyone can play their part, you can read Stonewall’s 10 tips to step up as an ally to LGBTQ+ people in sport by clicking here:


We’re always strongest when we work together and uplift one another so we would love to see your photos before, on, and after Rainbow Laces day. Please share them on your social media using the hashtags #RainbowLaces and #BowlPride

You can order your Rainbow Laces directly from Stonewall.  They are available in different styles and lengths to help you celebrate your own identity or show your allyship for pan, bi, ace, trans, lesbian and non binary people:


If any bowlers, officials, coaches, or parents/guardians/carers have any questions or would like further information they can contact me directly using the details below.

Thank you for your support,

Simon Herbert
Head of Inclusion and Diversity
British Tenpin Bowling Association