The 2021 YBE National Virtual High Series Tournament

Youth Bowling England logo

Welcome to a new virtual tournament for YBC bowlers that will be played in the bowlers home centre – the YBE National Virtual High Series Tournament!

From now until the end of 2021 at a regular YBC session bowlers can submit their YBC three-game scratch series score into the inaugural National Virtual High Series tournament.

This is a free to enter tournament with prize money of 1st £100, 2nd £60 and 3rd £40 per YBE average divisions.

Bowlers can enter up to six times during the year from the scheduled scoring dates.

To find out more and to enter please contact your YBC official and follow this this link for the Tournament homepage (can also be accessed at anytime from the YBC logo on the BTBA website homepage)

Your tournament Managers are Brian & Gill Parker (email on

Good luck and good bowling!

Stephen Toop
Head of Youth Bowling
British Tenpin Bowling Association