“For me McKendree is the perfect package..”

Rhian Dobinson

Rhian is our second youth bowler in 2020 to be headed to the States to pursue bowling and academic success.  We grabbed some time to have a few moments with her and learn more about her plans..

SW: Congratulations Rhian, McKendree is recognised to be a growing force in female bowling right now in the USA.  What made you choose The States, and in particular Shannon & Bryan’s team of Lady Bearcat athletes at McKendree?

RD:” Thank you.  With my love of all sports I have always wanted to be an Athletic trainer, and due to the sporting job opportunities overseas I made a decision to pursue my higher education in either Europe or the United States.

SW: That’s a big decision to make for anyone at any age!  Why did you not stay in Europe or even the United Kingdom?’

RD: I initially had 3 unconditional University places at some of the best Sporting universities in the UK, but I would have to give up bowling if I went to one of them because of the inability to train.

“When I found out that it would be possible to continue the sport I love whilst  still being able to achieve a good degree, but without having to make the many sacrifices that I would need to make in the UK, I made it my plan to get over to the states.” 

“I have had to do a lot of research on the best Universities for the courses I wanted,  which I found difficult, as in the UK I know all the best schools for sport and exercise science so I was starting from scratch with the USA, but when Brian O’Keefe approached me at the World Junior Championships 2019, I decided to look more into Mckendree.

SW: You chose to take the offer from McKendree – looks like a great choice!

“Looking at the University I was drawn to how professional it is from the Educational programmes to all of its sport.

“From watching Mckendree on social media, I saw how their team-work means everything to them both on and off the lanes.  It is the team spirit which made my mind up to choose Mckendree.

SW: I was fortunate to of known your late Nan, Jan Steiner, and I know that she was a big influence to you?

“I have always had the support from Family and friends to go after what I want in life, especially from my Nan, Jan, who always pushed me to do the best in everything that I do and to know that nothing was impossible.

Editor’s note: Jan Steiner was first selected to play for Wales at age 18 attending many Triple Crown competitions.  She also played for Wales at the Vancouver Commonwealth Games 1994. She then continued playing for England as a Senior.

SW: She would be very, very proud I am certain.  Thank you for spending some time to talk  – we will follow your progress and successes as you study and compete as a Lady Bearcat!

RD: Thank you, Stuart

Rhian’s Parents, Ian and Diane, are naturally thrilled with Rhian’s decision to go to McKendree, and mum Diane wanted to add:

“All of Rhian’s family are proud of what she has achieved and this future opportunity, especially her sisters who agreed to stay with and holiday with cousins and Grandparents so Rhian could go to competitions.

“At McKendree they schedule her lessons and bowling training together, and I hope that she will be able to make the most of her own time to get the full University experience and attend some parties, making up for the ones she missed during school.

“We would like to thank Rhian’s Farnborough Bowl family for all the help over the years giving Rhian lane time and support throughout the years.