The BTBA could get more members if only they would do…

I’m sure you have said this, or at least thought it, at some time or other! Well, here is your opportunity as we have funds available to support projects that will increase awareness of our sport and ultimately increase our membership numbers. Don’t forget, the more members we have, the more we can do for you!

We have simplified the procedures for applying for a BTBA Grant. All you have to do to get the ball rolling is to email your application form to both your Regional Officer and to

Your application will then be considered by the Grant Scheme Administrator. All contact details for the Regional Officers are listed on the BTBA Structure page

When considering applications, various factors will be taken into consideration, for example:

  • Will the application help develop membership levels?
  • Is the project/initiative a ‘one off’ or is it a continual process?
  • Is there any match funding either from the local association or other grant possibilities?

Once up and running, grants will be overseen in conjunction with the Regional Officers and Grant Scheme Administrator.

The purpose of this grant system is to help develop the sport of tenpin bowling by providing financial support for projects and initiatives that will help improve the BTBA’s reach and therefore encourage and increase BTBA membership.

To submit an application, Project Managers must use the Grant Application form which is available by clicking here (document download).

Should any help be required with the completion of the form, your Regional Officer can assist or email the scheme administrator.