The British Tenpin Bowling Association (BTBA) is the official governing body for the sport of tenpin bowling in England. It was formed on May 28 1961 when 138 delegates, which included individuals, proprietor and manufacturers, voted and agreed to adopt the constitution presented. Maurice Glazier was the first General Secretary of the BTBA, and now the current Chairman of the BTBA is Geoff Brown.
The BTBA is recognised by the International Bowling Federation (IBF) as the official sanctioning body in England and is responsible for the protection, integrity and development of the sport. As the governing body of the sport in this country, it provides a comprehensive service to all its members.
Our Mission
Leading the sport of tenpin bowling forward.
Our Vision
The British Tenpin Bowling Association was established to promote and improve the sport of Tenpin Bowling. It aims to ensure that all people, irrespective of their age, disability, ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation or social status have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in the sport at all levels and in all roles.
Our Key Values
- Focus on our membership
- Commitment to equality
- Working together with respect
- Commitment to excellence
- Pride in our heritage
Further Information