Atlantic Bowl, Unit A1, Atlantic Street, Altrincham, WA14 5BW
Singles, Doubles, and Fours
SUNDAY 19 MAY 2024
FRIDAY 24 MAY 2024
Event open to seniors aged 49 and over during 2024 (Bowlers aged 49 in 2024 are permitted to bowl this year, as the BTBA Senior National Championships form part of this year’s Senior Team England qualification process)
The lane patterns for this event will be:
Entry will open on Saturday 17th February and MUST be made online via the BTBA Events website
Link to BTBA Events website: Click here..
Male and Female Team/Doubles combinations will be entered into the Open Division
Open | Women | Division criteria | |
Singles and All Events | |||
Division A | 185 and over | 170 and over | Individual
Averages |
Division B | 184 & under | 169 & under | |
Division C (Super Seniors) | Aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 | Aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 | Individual Age |
Doubles | |||
Division A | 370 and over | 340 and over | Maximum Composite
Team Average |
Division B | 369 & under | 339 & under | |
Division C (Super Seniors) | Aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 | Aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 | Age of both bowlers |
4 Person Team | |||
Division A | 740 and over | 680 and over | Maximum Composite
Team Average |
Division B | 739 & under | 679 & under | |
Division C (Super Seniors) | Aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 | Aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 | Age of all bowlers |
To participate in the BTBA Senior National Championships all participants must be BTBA or affiliated association members at the time of bowling in the tournament.
The tournament is open to all BTBA or affiliated association members who are aged 49 and over during 2024 (Bowlers aged 49 in 2024 are permitted to bowl, as this year, the BTBA Senior National Championships form part of the 2024 Senior Team England qualification process.)
Super Seniors
Eligible bowlers (those aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024, ie born in 1959 or earlier) can choose, on entry, whether to enter as a traditional ‘senior’ in Division A/B or as a ‘super senior’ in Division C — a separate Super Seniors Division (non-average based) —paying the exact same entry fee.
Entering both Senior and Super Senior divisions
Super Seniors can also elect to play in both a Senior Division and the Super Senior Division by paying the additional prize fund for the other division (i.e., £8 singles, doubles, 4-person team and £8 for All-events) and using the same scores.
All bowlers must meet the Super Senior eligibility age in order to play in the Super Senior Division.
Doubles and teams of four consisting of mixed age groups can only be entered into the Senior Divisions A or B.
Squad Times
All players must register at least 30 minutes before the start of their squad.
Saturday 18th May | Sunday 19th May |
Squad D001 Doubles and Singles 09:00 | Squad D002 Doubles and Singles 09:00 |
Squad T001 4 Person Team 13:00 | Squad T002 4 Person Team 13:00 |
Squad D004 Doubles and Singles 16.30 | |
Friday 24th May | Saturday 25th May |
Squad D004 Doubles and Singles 11:30 | Squad D005 Doubles and Singles 09:00 |
Squad T003 4 Person Team 15:30 | Squad T004 4 Person Team 13:00 |
Squad D006 Doubles and Singles 16.30 | |
Lane Maintenance will be after each squad
Entry Fees per Person
There will be an entry fee of £29.00 per person per event. £8.00 of which will be prize fund.
Optional all-events of £8.00 per person per entry.
Prize fee will be returned 100% in prizes.
BTBA Tournament Sanction Fee £2.00
Total fee for an individual in all events will be £95.00 per person.
Total fee for an individual playing BOTH Senior AND Super Senior all events will be £127 per person (includes £32 towards additional prize fund)
How to Enter
Entry will open on Saturday 17th February and MUST be made online via the BTBA Events website
Download .pdf copy entry form to complete for your records (optional) here…
CLOSING DATE will be midnight 30th April 2024.
Vacant squad places after the closing date may be filled by the Tournament Manager
Confirmation of entry will be emailed to Team Captains no later than 2 days after the closing date.
Payment must be made via bank transfer to:
Barclays Bank Ilford
Sort Code: 20 44 22
Account Name: British Tenpin Bowling Association
Account No: 20 20 33 43
Reference: Captain’s Surname SN24, (for example, ELLIS SN24)
You must email when transfer has been made please.
Bank transfers must be referenced with the Team Captain’s name. Once an entry has been paid and accepted no refunds can be made. An entry may be sold to an eligible replacement on the authority of the Tournament Manager.
Tournament Managers
Will be appointed by the British Tenpin Bowling Association
General Playing Rules
This tournament is sanctioned by the BTBA, therefore the General Playing Rules and Tournament Rules of the BTBA, together with the following Special Rules, will govern this tournament.
- Eligibility: The tournament is open to all BTBA members (with a Standard or Competitive Membership) or affiliated association members who are aged 49 on or before 31st December 2024. Bowlers aged 65 or over as at 31/12/2024 are eligible to bowl in the Super Seniors Division.
- Averages: Players entering average will be based on the highest league or tournament average at the time of entry. Both Free Fall and String averages will be accepted without differentiation
- Current season’s average for 18 games or more at the time of entry being the highest in any league which the player bowls, or composite tournament average of 12 games or more, whichever is higher, but may not be more than 5 pins lower than the previous season’s average.
- If the player does not have a current season’s average, last available season’s average for 18 games or more will be acceptable but may not be more than 5 pins lower than the bowlers highest previous average for any number of games. Nor may it be more than 5 pins lower than the players tournament average.
- If the player is unable to declare an average, then they will be accepted in the highest division.
- If the player’s entering average is based on a league or tournaments that have been solely bowled on Challenge or Sport Bowling conditions, the average will need to be adjusted to a standard average. The team captain must state in the Source Of Average field on the entry form if the average for any player entering Division B is from Challenge or Sport Bowling league/tournaments.
- The Tournament Manager may accept, reject or re-rate any entrant, if in their opinion, the highest average submitted does not conform to past performance of the team or individual. Winner’s averages will be verified after the event.
- The team captain is responsible for the accuracy of all averages of the individual team members, and they in turn are responsible to him. Should the Tournament Manager find it at any time that the averages have been falsified or do not conform to past performance, the team shall forfeit all claims for prize money as well as their entry fee and will be subject to disqualification and suspension from the BTBA.
- Bowling Equipment: Altering the surface of bowling balls is only permissible outside the playing area and only during practice or between squads.
- It is the responsibility of all players to ensure that their bowling balls conform to specifications. Spot checks may be made during this event
- All bowlers are reminded that balance holes are no longer allowed
- Any bowler who doesn’t use their thumb during a delivery cannot have a thumb hole
- The use of any foreign substance on bowling shoes or approaches is strictly prohibited.
- Cleaners approved for use in competitive play may be used and may only be applied by hand and soft cloth. See Rule 17 of the BTBA General Playing Rules
- Bowling balls must be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth immediately after cleaning or altering the surface
- Bowlers must wear shoes which will not damage or disfigure the approaches. The use of any foreign substance on bowling shoes or approaches is strictly prohibited.
- Bowling Attire: Players must wear suitable bowling attire. Players will not be permitted to wear denim. Tailored shorts will be permitted. The tournament manager shall be the judge in all these matters.
- Ties: In the event of a tie for any position, the highest last game shall be used to determine who receives the highest position. In any situation where this does not resolve the tie, the penultimate game shall be used and so on. In the event of a tie for an all-events position, the team games shall be used first, followed by the doubles, and finally if necessary the singles games.
- Protests: In the event of a dispute, the Tournament Manager must be notified immediately, and a provisional ball bowled if necessary. Protests must be made within 30 minutes and confirmed in writing to the Tournament Manager within 72 hours. The Tournament Manager’s decision will be final, subject to appeal to the BTBA.
- Conduct: Players are prohibited from smoking (including E-cigarettes) and the consumption of alcohol whilst their squad is in progress.
Any player whose conduct is considered liable to bring the game into disrepute will be disqualified from the tournament. Any individual so disqualified will be reported to the BTBA for consideration of disciplinary proceedings.
- Noise: Competitors can expect to experience some noise during the Competition from other players, especially during the Team Event. Competitors are prohibited from the use of air horns or any other type of mechanical noise making equipment.
- Rule Violations: Any person who bowls under an assumed name, bowls under the name of an entrant scheduled in the tournament who fails to attend, or who is under suspension, or any team which employs a person herein described, both the person individually and the team collectively shall forfeit their entry and any or all rights to claim or hold any trophy or prize awarded in such tournament. Such person or persons involved are subject to suspension.
Link to the entry form: Click here.