The Bowling European Corporative European Championships 2024 take place this week between 8 and 11 May 2024 at Rødovre Bowlinghal, Copenhagen.
British Corporative Bowling (BCB) is the UK arm of the Bowling European Corporative (BEC) and exists to promote the sport of tenpin bowling inside the realms of British companies of all sizes, thereby encouraging competition between these companies in a competitive but friendly manner read more from RAF Veteran Paul Maddock below the photos.
The RAF have three teams this year, Red, Blue, Orange and Green (photods below)
Official Website: https://tinyurl.com/mr4bcwvs (opens in a new window)
Online Results: https://tinyurl.com/4tszbana (opens in a new window)
Live Scoring: http://onlinescore.qubicaamf.com/?idcenter=7185 (opens in a new window)
Schedule: https://tinyurl.com/bdfkr8s5 (.pdf)
Oil Pattern: https://tinyurl.com/26c2wjsa (.pdf)
Click photos below to enlarge..
![]() Royal Mail |
About the 52nd Bowling European Corporative by Paul ‘Porky” Maddock
The Bowling European Corporative (BEC) Championships currently brings together Corporate teams from 10 countries throughout Europe (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland). The tournament is held annually in a different European City over a four day period (Wed – Sat) centred around the Ascension Day holiday.
Categories include Team, Ladies Doubles, Men’s Doubles or Mixed Doubles and generally speaking competing members that are representing a Company, Firm or Organization, must have been employed by that Company, Firm or Organization for more than 6 months on either full time or part-time (not less than 16 hours per week) basis, or be a pensioner of the aforementioned, (defined as either being in receipt of a company pension at the start of the Championships, if no company pension is available, being in receipt of a State pension and NOT employed by another company or finally being someone who has retired from the Company but has represented that company at BEC in the past and is not in receipt of either a State or Company pension). Additionally spouses (Husband or Wife), a dependant or children (under the age of 25 years) will also be allowed to bowl as long as they are a fully paid up member of the companies sports club/association and bowl in the same team, doubles pairing as their family member. ( Note: only one spouse, dependant or child is allowed per team/doubles pairing).
For UK based companies and organisations selection for the European Championships occurs by participation in the British Corporative (BCB) Championships held between January and April with the number of teams able to represent at the European event being bid for at preceding years BEC AGM and dependant on the facilities available at the centre holding the event. Now in its 52nd year, past locations have included Berlin, Bologna, Munich, Helsinki & Brussels.
Numerous UK based companies and organisations have been associated over the years including Barclays Bank, British Airways, London Underground, HSBC, Coral, NHS, Tesco, HM Dockyards, Royal Air Force and the Civil Service although currently and still on the re-invigoration post the COVID pandemic, this year only saw 4 x 4 person teams from a combined Royal Air Force & RAF Veterans squad and a singles men’s doubles from Royal Mail making the trip to Copenhagen for the tournament (British Airways would have come but are currently in Las Vegas competing at the Airline Championships). Teams competing this year are made up of the following
RAF Red Chris Maddock, Matt Hall, Tony Lee & Bernie Matthews
RAF Blue Paul Maddock, Kev Hunter, Lewis Place & Dave Place
RAF Orange Mick Fisher, Pete Crompton, Liam Ford, Eddie Broom & Tom Maddock)
RAF Green Dave Greig, Al Middleton, Dave North & Lee Wilson)
Royal Mail Selwyn Morgan & Dan Lewis
Although many of the RAF & RAF Veteran bowlers are Lincoln based their teams bring together bowlers from far and wide including RAF Veterans Dave Place and Bernie Matthews having travelled from Cyprus and Scotland respectively whilst others have travelled from all corners of England with their bowling being normally performed in Newcastle, Stroud, Norwich and Alconbury, whilst Royal Mails 2024 Men’s doubles make up hail from London and Norwich.
There are links for the tournament as detailed below
Online Results: https://tinyurl.com/4tszbana
Live Scoring available during the rest of the event http://onlinescore.qubicaamf.com/?idcenter=7185
Official website containing schedule etc : https://tinyurl.com/mr4bcwvs