Green, Boswell, van Dyk win 2023 BTBA Tenpintour 3 at Dunstable

Martin Green, Sandra Boswell and Tracy van Dyk shared the honours when they all won the Dunstable stop of the 2023 BTBA Tenpin Tour.

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29 women and 69 men bowled Stop 3 of the 2023 BTBA Tenpin Tour.  Although the women undoubtedly ‘stole the show’ with joint-equal winners on 1298 and the event high game of 224 by Tracy van Dyk, it was the men yet again who lit up the scoreboards with honour scores including 10 finishing averages of 200 or above and a sparkling 1505 from Martin!

Men: Martin bowled games of 233 and 214 to ‘bookend’ his 1199/1505/200 avg. series over Nicholas Parry 2nd who also bookended his 1148/1484/191 avg. with 205 and 226, and Kevin Rose 3rd with 5 honour scores of 206, 215, 234, 216 & 216 for 1229/1481/205 avg., Carl Vanderhook 4th with 225, 200, 233 & 201 in his 1238/1460/206 avg. and David North 5th with 266 and 214 in his 1224/1458/204 avg. series.  Men’s high avg. was 215 bowled by Gary Baker.

Women: Sandra bowled a pair of honour scores, 203 and 213, narrowly missing making it four with G1 198 and G4 193, in her 1136/1298 series, whilst Tracy bowled the event high game 224 in game 3, to score her 1112/1298 equal table topping series.  3rd place was taken by Val Hopcraft with 1066/1270 including a 200-game, 4th went to Angela Steward with 1028/1232 including a 204 high game and 5th to Liz Eyre with 949/1219.

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Women’s Scores

Men’s Scores A

Men’s Scores B