Thornton & McCulley win 2023 BTBA Tenpintour Stop 1 at Stroud

Steve Thornton and Gaye McCulley won the opening Stop in the 2023 BTBA Tenpintour at Stroud Bowl.

Official Website BTBA Library BTBA Tenpintour History

In what was Gaye’s fifth Tenpin Tour win and Steve’s first, a total of 90 Senior athletes (25 Women and 65 Men) took to the Stroud lanes for six games of matchplay.

Gaye bowled the women’s high game of 255 in her set of 1268 (1292 h’cap) and Steve the men’s high game of 279 in his set of 1453 (1387 h’cap).  Gaye would also break par with her tournament average of 211, and Steve with 231.

There were several above par games amongst the women as the top-three rounded off Gaye 1st (1268 / 1292 / 211 avg), her ESC2023 team mate Angie Brown 2nd (1126 / 1228 / 188 avg) and Jan Hodge 3rd (1055 / 1223 / 176 avg).

The men’s scoreboard was alight with 200+ games, some 69 in total and 6 athletes finishing with tournament averages above 200.  The men’s top three finished Steve Thornton 1st (1387 / 1453 / 231 avg), Ian Kennedy 2nd (1199 / 1433 / 200 avg) and Barry Knox 3rd (1168 / 1432 / 195 avg).

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Women’s Results

Women’s Results

Mens’ Results

Men’s Results