Norfolk & Suffolk Counties Amalgamate

Norfolk County Tenpin Bowling Association are delighted to announce that they are incorporating the county of Suffolk into their association with immediate effect.

This means that all bowlers who were born or reside within the boundaries of Suffolk, will be eligible to compete for the newly formed Norfolk & Suffolk Tenpin Bowling Association.

This amalgamation will enable bowlers who were previously orphaned to compete for the new association. For full eligibility criteria please refer to ‘Item 3. Eligibility’ of the Inter County Championships Rules & Regulations (click or tap link to load).

County Chairman Jon Greengrass said, “I am really excited about the inclusion of Suffolk bowlers into our association. This will support the growth of Tenpin Bowling in East Anglia and give bowlers in the area (..the opportunity) to participate from all levels going forward. I want to thank the BTBA for their support in making this happen so quickly, and am looking forward to meeting Suffolk based bowlers at our upcoming County trials in Dereham next month.”

The BTBA wish the new Association the very best of fortunes and wish them every success!

Jo Cundy
Director of Governance & Legal

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