2022 Senior Inter County Championship (SICC2022)


The 2022 Senior Inter County Championships took place 8 & 9 October 2022 at Guildford Spectrum.

20 Teams – 12 Senior Men and 8 Senior Women – made the journey to Surrey to compete in another fiercely contested Senior Inter County Championship finals.  Congratulations to both Kent’s  Senior Men and Sussex’s Senior Women on their wins!

FINAL Results

Victorious Kent Men and Sussex Women

2022 SICC Winners Yorkshire Men

2022 SICC Winners Sussex Women

2022 SICC Final Scores Men

2022 SICC Final Scores Women

Full Results

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At the close of Day 1, Saturday 8 October, Lincolnshire Men and Sussex Women were heading the tables, after the first six games for the men and two games for the women.  However, by the end of the Championship, Kent men would join Sussex women as 2022 Senior Inter County Champions!

Mens Game 1 – high team game Kent with 934 An opening flurry of 200-games would delight and excite the mens teams, with Garry Elliott 200 for Durham, Richard Beck 209, Richard Parker 211 and Matt Trotter 215 for Bucks., Selwyn Morgan 276 and John Wyatt 203 for London, Ralph Hughes 211 for Essex, Geoff Brown 225 for Cambs., Gavin Bowden 212 for Lincs., Brian Wilkins 211 for Middx., John Hinch 216, Keith Hodge 202 and Stephen Williams 210 for Kent.

Mens Game 2 – high team game Lancashire with 1005 Saw Nils Hoversham make 212 for Essex, Pete Sanders and Mike Smyth 233 & 226 respectively for Dorset, Dave Broomfield, Trevor Lamprell and Carl Taylor 225, 213 & 226 for Lancashire, Keith Hodge 201 for Kent, Richard Beck and Matt Trotter 205 & 217 for Bucks., Gavin Bowden and Paul Hewitt a pair of 212’s to Lincs., Brian Wilkins 239 onto Middx’s total whilst Jonathan Halliday and Geoff Brown added 224 & 202 to Durham and Cambs. respectively.

Mens Game 3 – hi team game Buckinghamshire with 946 Saw the scores pace drop a little in general but there were still big games for Mark Loughborough with 226 for Lincs., Richard Beck 215 and Matt Trotter 269 for Bucks., Barry Walker 200 for Durham, Keith Hodge 203 for Kent, Harald Grau 233 for Oxon., Pete Saunders 201 for Dorset, Paul Dillon 212 for Cambs. but the star of the day was for sure David Coote who so nearly went perfect, with a superb 279.

Game 4 saw the Women begin their SICC bowling alongside the men.

Mens Game 4 – high team game Kent with 1050 Saw Geoff Brown add 268 for Cambs., Michael Pray211 for Essex, Gavin Boden 202 and Mark Loughborough 222 for lincs., Dave Broomfield 236 for Lamcs., Tom Walsh 216 for Yorks.,Jim Wigmore 206 for Middx., Kev Pilley 235 for Dorset, Barry Walker 236 for Durham and Richard Beck and Matt Trotter added 24 &237 for Bucks.  High Team Game of the even went to Kent who bowled an impressive 1050 total – John Hinch 216, Keith Hodge 205, Sean Purcell 216, Chris Skudder 195 and Stephen Williams 218.

Womens Game 1 – high team game Surrey with 733 Would find 200-games from Dorset’s Angie Brown 205 and Surrey’s Kim Oakley and Angela Steward, with 224 and 200 respectively.  Other notable scores saw Despina Gough 193 for Sussex, Linda Pray 182 for Essex, Gaye McCully 192 for Norfolk, Julie Mathews 184 & Brenda Pratt 181 for Staffs. and Jan Hodge 189 for Kent.

Mens Game 5 – high team game Yorkshire with 1004 Would record 215 & 230 for Gavin Bowden and Paul Hewitt Lincs., Rob Hobasrt 222 and Ian Runacres 200 for Cambs., 204 & 205 for Jonathan Halliday and Barry Walker for Durham, a 212 for Nils Hoversholm of Essex,  204 for Dorset’s Kev Pilley, 238 for Bucks. Richard Beck, and games of 237, 220 for Yorks. Greg Belton and Simon Haigh.  Kent’s Keith Hodge and Sean Purcell added 242 & 218 whilst Robin Liptrot added 202 for Lancs. and Bill Gordelier and Selwyn Morgan added 209 & 245 to London.

Womens Game 2 – high team game Sussex with 724 Saw 197 for Dorset’s Angie Brown, a pair of 184’s for Denise Dyke & Jan Hodge for Kent, a 184 & 187 for Staffs. Diane Johnson and Brenda Pratt, whislst the 187 of Norfolk’s Julie MacInnes was overshadowed – but only in score of course , by teammate Gaye McCully’s 222 and Marsha Dalley’s 206 for Sussex.

Mens Game 6 – high team game Lincolnshire with 1044 About midway but our Seniors continue to power-on.  201 & 243 for Yorks. Michael Didur and Simon Haigh, 220 & 203 for Dorset’s Kev Pilley and Ian Taylor, 205 for Paul Morris of Essex, 200 & 203 for Durham’s Jonathan Halliday and Barry Walker and strong 230 game from Richard Beck alongside Bucks. team mate Matt Trotter’s 201.  A 206 for Oxon.’s Harals Grau, a 214 for Kent’s Sean Purcell and a brace for Lancs. with Dave Broomfield 220, Robin Liptrot 219 and Carl Taylor 216.  A 215 for Geoff Brown of Cambs. 205 from London’s Selwyn Morgan and 210 from Essex’s David Coote.  Lastly a Team Game 1044 from Lincs. with Gavin Boden 212, Mark Fullbrook 201, Paul Hewitt’s sizeable 255 & Chris Robinson 203.

Women take one  game’s break to finish with the men

Mens Game 7 – high team game Middlesex with 1105 A mixed scoring pace, but still a 217 for Nils Oversholm of Essex, a 221 from London’s Selwyn Morgan, 208 & 228 from Sean Purcell and Stephen Williams of Kent, 238 & 214 from Dave Broomfield and Carl Taylor of Lancs., 207 & 234 for Paul Hewitt & Mark Loughborough of Lincs., a 256 from Richard Beck of Bucks., and a 213 from Oxons.’s Darrell Fisher.  Elsewhere the blood was running hot, for Dorset’s Ron Griffin 247, Chris Harris 233 and Kev Pilley 211, for Yorks. Greg Belton 202, Michael Didur 224, Simon Haigh 249 and Graham Hepworth 211, for Durham Jonathan Halliday 203, William Jukes 212, Anthony Robson 206 and Barry Walker with another big game of 258 to take the Team High Game with 1035 over Dorset’s 1130 and Middx. 1105 rom Paul Morris 232, Jamie O’Dwyer 228, Jim Wigmore 237 and Brian Wilkins 224.

Womens Game 3 – high team game Sussex with 764 A higher scoring pace than yesterday, with 212 for Yorks. Helen Caton, 182 & 208 for Staffs. Diane Johnson and Julie Mathews, 207 & 245 for Sussex’s Marsha Dalley and Despina Gough, 226 for Surrey’s Kim Oakley, 208 for Kent’s Jan Hodge, 214 for Norfolk’s Gaye McCulley and 192 for Dorset’s Angie Brown.  844 saw Sussex record Team High Game.

Mens Game 8 – high team game Lancashire with 970 Fewer big numbers as we pass the three-quarter mark, but an impressive 256 for Lincs. Gavin Boden, 202 for Yorks. Tom Walsh, 211 for Cambs. Rob Hobart, 245 & 203 for Middx. Jamie O’Dwyer and Brian Wilkins, another solid Dorset display from Ron Griffin 205, Chris Harris 202 and Kev Pilley 219, 245 from Lancs. Carl Taylor, 237 from Bucks. Matt Trotter,, 244 from Durham’s Jonathan Halliday and 225 & 222 from Oxons. Gary Baker and Ken Iredale.

Womens Game 4 – high team game Dorset with 769 A 203 from Norfolk’s Gaye McCully, 238 & 185 from Dorset’s Angie Brown and Lynn Squibb, 194 from Dorset’s Jan Hodge, 185 from Yorks. Helen Caton and a 188 from Surrey’s Kim Oakley were the highpoints in Game 4.  Dorset took the Team High Game with 769.

Mens Game 9 – high team game Essex with 1109 Scores of 211 for Dorset’s Chris Harris, 224 from Durham’s Barry Walker, 211 from Lancs. Trevor Lamprell and 236 from Oxons. Gary Baker were joined by 237 from Cambs. Geoff Brown and Dave Rawding’s 202 for Lincs. during a general lower scoring  game, but there were games of 222 & 230 for Yorks. Graham Hepworth and Tom Walsh whilst Essex were on fire with Simon Cathorne 235, david Coote 268, Nils Hoversholm 233 and Ralph Hughes 212, for Team High Game 1109.

Women’s Game 5 – high team game Staffordshire with 693 203 & 193 for Kent’s Jan Hodge and Denise Dyke, 200 for Sussex’s Despina Gough, 192 for Staffs. Erica Gardner, 211 for Dorset’s Angie Brown, 187 for Yorks. Sally Thorley and 227 from Surrey’s Kimberley Oakley reflected the generally lower score pace we saw in Mens Game 9.  693 however saw Sussex lead with Team High Game.

Mens Game 10 – high team game Yorkshire with 1058 Building-up to a late flurry of scores?  219 & 238 for Michael Didur and Simon Haigh (and 199 from Graham Hepworth!) for Yorks. for Team High Game of 1058, 205 & 217 for Gary Baker and Ken Iredale of Oxon., 213, 223, 204 for Paul Hewitt, Mark Loughborough and Dave Rawding of Lincs.  We saw 225 & 212 from London’s Selwyn Morgan and John Wyatt,  as Durham put together 212, 200 & 201 from Garry Elliott, Jonathan Halliday and William Jukes.  204 & 207 from Lancs. Dave Broomfield and Steve Coates, 239 from Essex’s Ralph Hughes and 225 from Midddx. Jamie O’Dwyer saw the end of the 200-games although there were a good umber of 190-games.

Women’s Game 6 – high team game Susses with 787 214 from Kim Oakley of Surrey and 213 & 193 from Norfolk’s Gaye McCulley and Julie MacInnes were closely met  by games of 181 & 187 from Staffs. Diane Johnson and Brenda Pratt and Dorset’s Angie Brown’s 182, but all of these were overshadowed by Mrsha Dalley and Despina Gough of Sussex’s 234 & 203 games, giving Sussex the Team High Game of 787.

Mens Game 11. high team game Lancashire with 1028 The final game is often a close fought and tense match, and for some the final opportunity to make those top-3 places.  Games of 212 & 222 for Oxons. Peter Fyles and Ian Mills, 218 for Cambs. Geoff Brown, 214 for Bucks. Richard Beck, 200 for Dorset’s Mike Smith, 213 for Norfolk’s Mark Loughborough, 204 &203 for Yorks. Greg Belton and Simon Haigh, 216, 203 & 264 for Kent’s John Hinch, Keith Hodge and Stephen Williams, 214 & 212 for Essex’s David Coote and Ralph Hughes, Durham with 203, 236, 200 & 203 from Garry Elliott, Jonathan Halliday, Anthony Robson and Barry Walker and Team Leading Lancs. with 248, 215, 205 from Dave Broomfield, Steve Coates and Robin Lipton.

Women’s Game 7 – team high game Yorkshire with 753 Similarly for the women, the time to make those final gains has arrived.  190 for Staffs. Erica Gardiner, 189 for Kent’s Jan Hodge, 195 for Dorset’s Angie Brown, 216 for Surrey’s Kim Oakley, 180 for Norfolk’s GayeMcCulley.  Sussex managed a pair of 200-games with 232 & 205 for Marsha Dalley and Despina Gough.

High Averages & Games

For the men, David Coote of Essex had High Game with 279 and Richard Beck of Bucks. high average with 215.5, both bowled each of the 11 games.  For the women, Despina Gough of Sussex bowled the High Game with 245 and Kim Oakley from Surrey the high average, of 206.6.  Again both bowled all seven games.


Senior Men Senior Women

Richard Beck, Paul Brunning, Robert Yandell, Maurice Lipyeart, Richard Parker, Matt Trotter, Gary Wrathall


Geoff Brown, Paul Dillon, Richard Francis, Rob Hobart, Gary Oakley, ian Runacrews, Mark Skippins


Gary Elliott, Jonathan Halliday, William Jukes, Gary Orton, Anthony Robson, Les Taylor, Barry Walker.


Ron Griffin, Chris Harris, Kev Pilley, Pete Sanders, Mike Smyth, Ian Taylor, Brian Wright


Simon Cathorne, David Coote, Nils Hoversholm. Ralph Hughes, Michael Pray, Alan Smith, Carl Vanderhook


Simon Carter, John Hinch, Keith Hodge, Clive Mitchell, Sean Purcell, Chris Skudder, Stephen Williams


Dave Broomfield, Steve Coates, Mike Halliwell, Trevor Hamprell, Robin Liptrot, Paul Newton, Carl Taylor


Gavin Boden, Gary Christopher, Mark Fullbrook, Paaaul Hewitt, Mark Loughborough, Dave Rawding, Chris Robinson


Graham Camplin, Bill Gordelier, Danny Graham, Selwyn Morgan, Chris White, John Wyatt


Mathew Ashley, Ricky Cheong, David Fung, Paul Morris, David O’Dwyer, Jim Wigmore, Brian Wilkins


Gary Baker, Peter Fylrs, Harald Grau, Ken Iredale, Darrell Fisher, Chris Smith, Ian Mills


Gary Barlow, Greg Belton, Michael Didur, Simon Haigh, Graham Hepworth, Alan Jenkins, Tom Walsh


Carol Ailes, Angie Brown, Liz Griffin, Mary Head, Lynn Squibb, Sally-Anne Webb


Sue Morden, Sue Portsmouth, Linda Pray, Sheila Staines


Denise Dyke, Tina Gibbins, Jan Hodge, Elaine Martin, Janet Rankin


Suzanne Benton, Sue Cobb, Julie MacInnes, Gaye McCully


Karen Barfoot, Erica Gardner, Diane Johnson, Julie Mathews, Brenda Pratt


Anne Mitchall-Brown, Helen Morris, Kim Oakley, Angela Steward


Marsha Dalley, Despina Gough, Caroline Oakley, Jackie Ralph, Lynne Truslove


Jan Baines, Helen Caton, Janet Didur, Carol Rowley, Sally Thorley