YBE launch new Titles & Records Book for youth athletes

YBE Merit Book and Fan of Sticker Sheets

Youth Bowling England (YBE) are delighted to announce the launch of the new Titles & Records Book (“Merit Books”) for youth athletes.

These quality publications provide for many years of achievements, from an athlete’s first strike and 25-game, through to the coveted 300-game and beyond.  This is a real souvenir which will last for many, many years and we hope that you will ‘show them off’ to friends and even classmates – maybe there’s a budding bowler amongst them who just doesn’t know it yet!

About the Merit Books

  • Merit Books are available free of charge to all BTBA registered YBC Members at BTBA registered YBCs
  • Merit Books and Stickers are free to the YBC and will be sent to the YBC designated contact for distribution
  • The YBC will retain the stickers and distribute them to their bowler as they achieve that sticker value.  To get ‘the ball rolling’ groan! we will provide enough books and stickers to allow bowlers to replace their current cloth badge values.
  • The YBC designated contact must send Tracy or Stephen the following:
  • YBC name and point of contact
  • List of bowlers (names and BTBA Nos.) requiring the Merit Books, which will be checked against the BTBA Membership database
  • Postal Address for the YBC’s Designated Contact to where we shall send the books and stickers Note – Additional books and stickers can be applied for under the same conditions as above
  • Merit Books are a registered YBC member benefit and we ask that they are not distributed to anyone not approved by YBE

We look forward to receiving your applications at either:

tracyrobertson@btba.org.uk or stephentoop@btba.org.uk

Thank you!

Stephen Toop
Head of Youth Bowling