Team England 2022 – Lorna Scott

Photo of Lorna Scott

Team England 2022 Squad – we interview Lorna Scott

Back again for England and qualifying after a pandemic. How did you keep motivated during the downtime and what work did you do to get ready for the England trials?

I used the downtime during the pandemic to get fitter. When the bowling alleys reopened I just tried to bowl as much as I could to get myself ready. This included lots of spare practice, lots of drills and I got myself a few new bowling balls.

Not the first time you have worn the national shirt of course and you have a successful career with the national team. Tell us what it was like winning Team Gold at EYC in 2017?

Winning the Team Gold was a moment that I will cherish forever. After drawing the final match and bowling two roll offs it definitely wasn’t an easy win, but I am so proud of us all for staying calm and striking when we needed to. We were all so overwhelmed with emotions, but it was the most amazing feeling.

Going back now Lorna, why did you start bowling?

My mum started bowling in a league when I was young and from that my dad starting bowling and then my brothers. I used to be at the bowling alley with them, so it made sense that I started when I was old enough. I joined Dunstable YBC at 6 years old and have been bowling ever since.

Who helped you improve over the years?

I have had many coaches over the years and all have shaped me in to the bowler I am today but Richard Lambkin has massively helped me to improve in my most recent years.

Good in singles and team events, which do you prefer or think you are better at?

I like both events but to have a team around you all working together to win a medal is a very special feeling. The motivation you give each other and the atmosphere of the event really helps.

What preparations will you put into your game before the delayed European Women’s championships?

Lots of preparation to be done but consistently training over the months leading up to the championships. I have a list of things to be working on so trying to get those solidified before we set off in August.

You played two QubicaAMF bowling World Cups before the pandemic hit, how different were these events to the European Youth ones you were used to?

At the World Cup there is a much bigger variety of countries and styles of bowling which is really interesting to see. The format of the event is also very different being just singles so it was a bit of a change not to have a team around me. I really enjoyed the World Cups and I hope to be back there competing in the future.

When you are not bowling what do you do for a job and other interests?

Outside of bowling I am a qualified accountant and studying to become a chartered accountant which takes up a lot of my time. I like to go out for meals, go to the cinema and I go for a lot of walks at the beach.

Do you do any additional fitness training for your bowling?

I go to the gym and work on strength training which helps my bowling. I also walk a lot to stay generally fit. I recently ran in my first 10k race in Sofia and so I hope to keep up running and take part in some more races.

What would you say are your strengths on the lanes and are there things you feel you could improve on?

I would say one of my strengths is that I am able to perform well under pressure. I like the feeling of knowing I need to perform and do well and this really motivates me to make good shots. I could definitely improve on varying my ball speed and bowling faster when needed – this is one of the things I am working on in the lead up to the championships.

What goals do you have in the sport?

My main goal is to win a medal at the EWC and continue competing at a high level.

Fun question now and who plays you in a Hollywood movie for the TE Gold medal win in Helsinki? and if you could play Pro-Celebrity with any star, who would it be?

If somebody was going to play me in a Hollywood movie it would have to be Phoebe Dynevor who plays Daphne in Bridgerton. But she would have to wear the same dresses as she does in the show on and off the lanes! If I could play pro-celebrity with any star it would be Justin Bieber.

Finally Lorna, for younger bowlers out there wanting to play for their country in the future, what advice can you give them?

The advice I would give is to practice spares as much as possible as they really make or break a game and are so important for winning medals. I would also say to spend a lot of time bowling on harder patterns as you will not play for your country on easy lanes. Never give up and work hard!

Thank you Lorna!

We have invited all of the Adult Team England squad for 2022 to tell us a little more about themselves, and will publish them all weekly.  You can read all of our athlete’s interviews on the Athlete Interviews page here..