Applications invited: Team England Manager (Adult Squad)

Team England Manager (Adult Squad)

Applications are invited for the role of Team England Manager (Adult Squad). The appointment is for 2 years commencing October 2022

Job Description

The Team Manager will be responsible for the preparation, management and welfare of the England squad of players while on National or International duty including training events and other events and tournaments. This will include:

  • Working for the Head of Team England Management, provide support in the development of long-term objectives, strategies and budgets for their age group.
  • Working in conjunction with the Head of Team England to implement the long term strategies and qualification methods of the relevant teams.
  • Assist Head of Team England to keep a track of budgets including, where applicable, player contributions and training events.
  • Arranging the format for practice games/squad training days, in conjunction with the Head of Team England and Team Coach along with team talks and debriefing sessions whilst monitoring performance during play.
  • Working with Head of Team England and Head of Coaching, assist in the identification and selection of the Coaching Team as required for training and International events.
    In conjunction with the Head of Team England, ensuring squad members are aware of all relevant arrangements appertaining to the event concerned.
  • Attending any relevant meeting/briefing/function on behalf of Team England as required.
    Ensuring players sign and comply with the Code of Conduct at all times whilst on international duty and take appropriate action in respect of any disciplinary matters which may arise.
  • The Team Manager will manage and co-ordinate all initial contact with the media while on international duty on behalf of the BTBA.
  • Within three weeks of the completion of international events, produce and submit a written report to the Head of Team England.
  • The Team Manager will be responsible for any changes in team formation/selection during international events and will liaise with the team coach regarding any such changes/selections.
  • Appointing a Team Captain if/when appropriate.
  • Ensuring that all players have and are wearing the correct uniform at all times.

Please complete and return this application (right+click or tap+hold for options) by email to (left+click or tap to launch email).  Closing date 15th July 2022.

Thank you,

Chris Hillman
Head Of Team England