‘Basher Bonfield’ steps down as Adult Tour Manager

The BTBA wishes to record it’s thanks to Dan ‘Basher’ Bonfield for his work on the BTBA Adult Tour – a role he took on back in 2016.

Dan will still manage the remaining 2021 Tour Stops at Mansfield, Dereham and Stroud.

“I took over the running of the BTBA Adult Tour midway through 2016. I had followed the Tour results and bowled an event or two. But I could see it wasn’t fulfilling its potential… I had ideas and a philosophy that I thought would turn this series of BTBA events into tournaments that could once again attract fields of 100+ bowlers. Which seemed crazy at the time as these tournaments were only hitting 30/40 entries if we were lucky.

“But by simply getting some basic’s right and perhaps understanding what bowlers wanted by 2018/19 every tournament was hitting around 100 entries. But now I feel the time is right for me to step away and give someone else a shot at pushing the Tour forward with fresh ideas and energy.

“I want to thank all the bowlers who played these tournaments for their support and I hope they found them fun, friendly but yet still competitive.

“I would like to of course thank all the people who have supported me –The sponsors – Bowling Vision, BP Fabrications, Striking Shirts, PDQ Printing Services, BowlTech, QubicaAMF, KC Components, Alman Engineering.

“Thanks to the BTBA for letting me get on with it, and supporting me whilst doing it.

“Thanks to all the tournament managers who ran events for me and the proprietors who supported the Tour.

“Honourable mentions to Rob Thurlby, Andy James, Darren Lewis, Sarah Hood, Craig Ellis, Talk Tenpin’s Dom Gall and of course my long suffering significant other Alison Taylor.

“Thank you everyone.

“Peace and love!

“Daniel “basher” Bonfield”