Youth Team England Update, 15th October 2020

Youth Team England Update

15th October 2020

We hope you have all kept safe and well through these difficult times. 

Traditionally this time of year Team England would be in the early stages of preparing for the European Youth Championships (EYC) for the following spring. Even under these unprecedented circumstances preparation will go ahead as normal once confirmation has been received from the ETBF that the event will go ahead. 

We have several scenarios in place for qualification but these are dependent on the release of formats and schedules and any other changes that may occur for EYC 2021 both in the Netherlands and the UK due to Covid-19. For example there will be no sanctioning of tournaments whilst the current government ‘Rule of 6’ restrictions are in place. This is a fluid and ever-changing situation we are all in at the moment and we will have to react accordingly as we progress forward. 

Depending on the format for EYC2021 and the confirmation that the event will take place Team England will then be in a position to announce a qualifying criteria or event for EYC2021. 

Once the website is updated and EYC2021 is confirmed Team England will then proceed with more information subject to any current UK restrictions at the time. 

Team England are working in conjunction with the new Youth Bowling England committee to realign the Youth Team England qualifying events back within the Youth calendar for 2021. 

Team England are pleased to announce that both the Youth Triple Crown 2021 and European Youth Championships 2022 qualifying events will be within the Youth Calendar 2021 tour events ONLY with a much simpler, fairer and understandable ranking system in place with no mid-season EYC confusing qualifying changes as experienced in recent years. 

The 2021 Presidium is due to meet before the end of the year where the age categories will be decided for the Youth Triple Crown for 2021. 

Team England are delighted to be working with the new Youth Bowling England Committee in bringing back Youth Team England qualifying events to its rightful place within the Youth tours. 

Thank you,

Steve Allen
Youth Team England Manager
Youth Bowling England