COVID-19 Return to Bowling Update, 20th September 2020

As we learn that further local restrictions are now being introduced by central Government, BTBA Chairman Lisa John has written an update to members, below.

Dear BTBA Member ,

Whilst we have welcomed the opening of bowling centres and the opportunity to return to our sport, we fully understand that the local conditions will govern how much competitive bowling will be able to be completed.

The most important thing is that we all stay COVID safe so we must be guided by our common sense and the management of our local bowling centres. The centres have been set up by their staff to be COVID safe and they may well be configured completely differently than the last time you were in the centre. This means that competitive play will be different from one centre to the other.

In these difficult times formal guidance to our membership is not possible due to the very many different circumstances throughout the country.  Unlike most other sports, a one size fits all approach is not possible.  League secretaries should be liaising directly with centre management as to whether the restarting of their leagues is a viable proposition.

In many cases, your league team may not be part of your normal bubble (as suggested by the government guidelines). This may well create concern for both our members and the bowling centre staff. League secretaries should also be aware of the possible vulnerabilities of their league membership, particularly those in the high-risk category.

With regards to tournaments, the Association will not be sanctioning any events while the current rule of 6 is applied by the government. If individual centres set up events within normal bowling guidelines, we would recognise high scores.

Just a few important things to remember when you do play:

  • Do not bring everything with you. Please limit the amount of equipment that you bring and only leave one ball on the lane at a time to stop others having to move your equipment to get to theirs. Leave coats etc in the car where possible so that we do not clog up the players area with unnecessary items that could harbour the virus.
  • Use the hand sanitiser provided when you arrive and before you leave.Wear a face covering at all times while in the centre.
  • No high fives etc so that we stay as safe as possible. Also reduce shouting where possible.
  • Clean and sanitise your equipment before you arrive at the centre and do it again when you have finished bowling.
  • Bowl and Go.  Do not stay in the centre any longer than you need to once you have finished bowling.

Thank you for your continued support of both the Association and your local centres.

Lisa John
Chairman & Director of Membership Services
British Tenpin Bowling Association