Coronavirus – announcement on behalf of the Executive Council, March 2020

In these unprecedented times the Executive Council firstly wish to thank all of our members for their patience and understanding in all matters regarding this sport that we love so much.

Ian Oakley, Team England Executive Director writes:

“Like many other sports and competitions that were scheduled to take place throughout the World, we have had to make decisions to not only safeguard our members but to also safeguard the future of our sport and its Teams in general.

“I have therefore broken the following information into categories in the hope that we get to address everything and apologise if something is missed and ask that you send an email to advise accordingly.

“Ron Griffin will be posting a system whereby all refunds can be claimed and monies returned for cancelled events. Cancelling events is never an easy or comfortable decision to take, but at this time nobody can know when some semblance of normality will return and it was felt that it would be better for you all to have cash sitting in your account than sitting in ours for an undeclared timeframe.

We have made a decision to cancel the Senior Nationals for this year and we know that John Strettle is looking to hold this event at a similar time next year.

Senior Team England Qualifying for 2021 has also been postponed at this time and we will be looking to reschedule the Qualifying events when time and circumstances permit. The schedule for these events may even run into the New Year.

The second two weekends of the Adult Nationals have been cancelled, so the first weekend that has already taken place will be treated as a one-off event and the Prize Fund apportioned accordingly by Dave Steiner, Tournament Manager.

This event was also scheduled to be the second of the Qualifiers for the Adult Team 2020, so we have decided to select the Squad of Players for 2020 from the single event that was played at Stroud on February 8th and 9th.

Players will shortly be emailed to confirm availability for Europeans/Triple Crown/ECC and once we are advised, players will be selected and notified in the event that these Competitions take place or are rescheduled.

Adult Team England Qualifying for 2021 has also been postponed at this time and we will be looking to reschedule the Qualifying events when time and circumstances permit. The schedule for these events may even run into the New Year.

The EYC 2020 has been rescheduled for October 9th-17th and Youth Team Manager – Steve Allen is currently confirming same with his Management Team and players.

WYC 2020 is still scheduled for 4th -11th September in Lima, Peru.

Mens/Ladies UK Masters Champions
Because of the cancellation of the Adult and Senior Nationals, the Masters will not take place this year, however we look forward to their reinstatement following the Nationals of 2021.

World Events
From January 2021 for the following two years, the executive Council has made a decision to step down from World Events and to support events nearer to home, e.g. Triple Crown and European Events. Over recent years the financial burden on our Association and its members has been increasing to the point that we feel that we are all being asked to financially sacrifice far too much, so this decision will allow us time and money to invest in markets nearer to home.

“On a personal note and on behalf of the Executive Council, I ask that you and your families do everything that you can to stay safe and stay well and let’s all support one another as best we can, our thoughts are with you all.”

Yours Sincerely and in Sport,

Ian Oakley
Team England Executive Director
on behalf of your National & Executive Council