2019 Trials and Selection Criteria for the Adult Team England squad for 2020

The BTBA are pleased to publish the ‘2019 Trials and Selection Criteria for the Adult Team England Squad for 2020’.

Updated 6th December 2019

The date for the Adult Triple Crown has been amended to 18th – 20th September 2020.  An updated document has been linked below – click “Adult Team England Selection 2020” below.

Updated 20th November 2019

Please note the date for the U. K. Masters has been changed to Sunday, 24th May.  A new document has been prepared with this change, on the link below.

Ian Oakley, Adult Team England Manager and Team England Executive Director, has released the Trials and Selection Criteria for Adult Team England 2020, and early intentions for 2021.

The closing date to enter the trials is Friday, 24th January 2020 so please read and understand the document linked below at your earliest opportunity.

DOWNLOAD HERE: Adult Team England Selection 2020

For enquiries and any questions please contact Ian by email on ianoakley@btba.org.uk

Thank you,

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